Chapter 1136

Bai Anning suddenly hugged Tianying: "Great, as long as you take pictures of the evidence, we can plan to go out."

"But, but, I forgot to open the sky gate before."

"..." So she was happy for nothing and didn't take pictures of it.

"It's okay, let's continue our efforts tomorrow. I'll find a way to create opportunities tomorrow. As long as you capture the footage, find a way to contact people outside to rescue us. It can be done." Bai Anning really didn't want to stay in this ghostly place.

"No problem." Tianying promised the ticket.

"Okay, you go back to your bed and sleep."

Tianying turned around and went to sleep on Bai Anning's upper bunk.

Tsk tsk tsk is really good, I don't know why Bai Anning feels relieved, at least one big thing can be solved, everything is not a problem with a camera.

She slept soundly that night.

In the morning class the next day, Han Zi was released. She looked a bit embarrassed, not as domineering as before, probably because she was afraid of being beaten.

But Han Zi looked at Bai Anning with even more vicious eyes.

Bai Anning didn't pay attention to Han Zi at all. She didn't feel guilty about Han Zi. She was not a troublemaker, but if anyone provoked her, she would let that person understand that she was not easy to bully.

This is the thought Bai Jiujiu instilled in her since she was a child.

And her most important thing now is how to save these people!Instead of worrying about wasting your time on these trivial things.

By the way, Bai Jiujiu taught her this too.

Bai Anning met Tianying's eyes, knowing that he was ready, Bai An created an opportunity to let the instructor beat him, so that his atrocities could be filmed.

"Listen, you memorize this Chinese language in the morning class. If you can't recite a sentence, you will hit it, and if you can't recite a few sentences, you will hit it a few times! One hour!" After the instructor spoke.

One by one obediently took the books to memorize.

Bai An Ning deliberately recited two wrong sentences, and felt a burning pain in her hands when she was slapped by the ruler, and her hands became red and swollen after just two slaps.

The other classmate only recited a few sentences, knowing that she was beaten and resisted the instructor, and was pressed to the ground by several other instructors, who replaced her with a solid iron rod and beat her buttocks fiercely. Every time she saw it, all the students who saw it felt pain in the flesh .

"Dare to resist, if you don't see it, it will be the end, recite it for me, if you can't recite it, hit it!"

Bai Anning clenched her fists tightly, but she knew that she couldn't be impulsive, she could only endure it, because there were so many people, even if she knew a little self-defense, she was not sure when facing so many adults together, and she might even get hurt. The people around her, so she can only bear it.

Seeing Tianying make an OK gesture to her, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then waited for the people outside to save her.

And Bai Anning never expected that at the end of the morning class, she saw a familiar figure from the back, it was Ma Lei.

She hadn't expected Mare to be in such a place.

At the same time, Ma Lei also saw her, he was stunned for a moment, and then said something quietly to the instructor, but the instructor looked at Bai Anning with hostility immediately, which made Bai Anning's heart skip a beat.

She was pretty sure Marley hadn't said anything nice.

Bai Anning immediately whispered to Tian Ying beside him: "We must find a way to contact people outside to rush in and rescue me later."

Tianying nodded, and Bai Anning was immediately called out by the instructor alone.

(End of this chapter)

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