Chapter 1137

Looking at Bai Anning's leaving back, Tianying was a little worried, and Han Zi gloated. It must be a bad thing to be called by the instructor, God really has eyes.

Taking advantage of the other teachers not paying attention, Tianying set off a signal flare, hoping that people outside would see it and rush in to rescue Bai Anning.

Bai Anning was taken to a classroom, which was relatively empty and looked clean, but Bai Anning could still smell blood.

"Teacher, what did you call me for?"

The instructor glanced at Bai Anning, and said fiercely, "What's your purpose here?"

Bai Anning glanced sideways at Ma Lei who was beside the instructor, she knew that it was useless to pretend that it was useless, so it would be better to delay the time.

"Hehe, teacher, what do you mean by asking that, I don't understand."

The instructor glanced at Bai Anning, and the other students didn't dare to look him in the eye, but Bai Anning not only dared to look at him, but was also afraid.

The instructor sneered and said, "Hehe, I'll let you understand right away."

The instructor took the ruler and walked towards Bai Anning. Bai Anning wanted to escape, but was stopped by two other people standing at the door and dragged to the instructor.

"Be honest, I can make you suffer less."

Bai Anning still said: "I don't know what you are talking about."

As soon as Bai Anning finished speaking, the instructor slapped Bai Anning's hand with a ruler.

"Speak or not!"

Bai Anning still pursed her lips in silence.

The instructor pumped it up and down, and Bai Anning's arm immediately became red and swollen, the pain made her tears flow down.

"Marley, if I'm killed, do you think you'll survive?"

Bai Anning yelled.

In fact, Ma Lei just wanted someone to teach Bai Anning a lesson to avenge the last time, but when he heard Bai Anning say this, he felt a little guilty: "Brother, let's forget it, maybe she really just came in to be taught."

The instructor glanced at Ma Lei: "Are you afraid of her?"

Ma Lei whistled to hide his guilty conscience: "I'm afraid of a hairy child, what would she do? I, I'm worried that it's the person behind this girl."

the person behind it?The instructor thought of Bai Jiujiu: "It's just a disabled woman, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Ma Lei's eyes dodged: "I'm talking about that man, Lu Sichen, Young Master Lu."

The instructor frowned: "What's the relationship between this girl and Young Master Lu?"

"Looks like father and daughter."

"Then why is her surname Bai?"

"Oh, how can I explain this rich family's grievances clearly?"

The instructor glanced at Bai Anning thoughtfully: "Listen, I can let you go, but as long as you stay here honestly, I will let you go after the time is up, but you are not allowed to talk nonsense after you go out, understand? "

Bai Anning snorted coldly in her heart, but on the surface she nodded in fear. If she had known that they were so afraid of her father, she should have mentioned her father's name earlier to scare them.

But her mother said that one should keep a low profile, and sometimes it may be more dangerous to reveal who my father is.

Besides, Bai Anning's character is also a bit stubborn, and she won't rely on anyone easily.

The instructor saw that Bai Anning's attitude was relatively good, and he didn't care about it. Two people outside the door suddenly rushed in and said, "Boss, it seems that someone broke in."

Bai Anning was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Tianying to handle affairs so efficiently, nor did she expect people from outside to come in so quickly.

Can you hurry up?They sent people to guard 24 hours a day and rushed in as soon as there was news.

But Bai Jiujiu hadn't fallen asleep at all, and her nerves were tense. She was worried about what would happen to Bai Anning, and immediately followed in after receiving the news.

(End of this chapter)

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