Chapter 1138

The instructor gave Bai Anning a vicious look: "Dare to deceive me!" Immediately dragging Bai Anning towards the back door, the other party's strength was so strong that no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get away.

Bai Anning could only give up struggling to preserve his strength, force himself to calm down, and try to find a way to leave some clues for the other party to find him.

Bai Anning looked at these people, some of them were planning to abandon school and run away, she couldn't help but pray that they would move faster, otherwise what would they do if they really escaped!
Ma Lei was a little worried: "Brother, what are you doing with her?"

The instructor said: "Of course it is useful when escaping."

The instructor was going to push Bai Anning into the car, and when he was going to drive away, he had no idea that someone was guarding the back door.

"Where do you want to escape?" Lu Sichen stood there like an emperor, his imposing manner alone was unmatched by ordinary people!

Bai Anning blinked, she wanted to call her father, but she held back.

The instructor frowned: "Who are you?"

Ma Lei on the side said: "He, he, he is Lu Sichen."

The instructor took a look. With so many brothers watching, he couldn't be timid and immediately said: "I want to fight you!"

Bai Anning was a little worried. After all, she had never seen Lu Sichen fight in her memory. Although she heard many people praise her father, she didn't see it with her own eyes. After all, something was missing.

"If you want to fight my father, you are not worthy." Lu Ye squeezed his palms, readying his posture, and was stopped by Lu Beichen.

Lu Sichen took off his coat, and Lu Beichen naturally stepped forward to take it for him.

"Okay, I will fight." Lu Sichen really didn't make a move for a long time.

The instructor let out a cry, and rushed forward with full momentum, but it was only a second, that's right, just a second, and Lu Sichen punched him.

Then he knelt down and couldn't get up.

Bai Anning felt that the opponent was too weak.

"Father!" Bai Anning rushed towards Lu Sichen directly. Just as Lu Sichen opened his arms, Bai Anning ran towards Lu Beichen.

"Brother Beichen, look at my hand, he hit it." Bai Anning said to Lu Beichen with aggrieved and coquettish expression.

Lu Beichen frowned: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, it hurts so much, it hurts me to death, brother Beichen blow me away." Bai Anning pouted.

Lu Beichen paused, but he really blew on Bai Anning's arm: "Is it better?"

Bai Anning nodded, "It's much better."

Lu Sichen: ...

He felt that he was completely neglected by his daughter. Since his daughter was hurt, shouldn't he throw himself into his father's arms to act like a baby?
Why is it my brother first?

Lu Ye squinted: "Hands are swollen like buns, even uglier!"

Bai Anning snorted when he heard it: "A dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Bai Anning, how dare you call me a dog! See if I don't beat you."

Bai Anning made a face: "Hit me if you have the ability!" After speaking, she hid behind Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen said, "Stop making trouble." Then he hugged Bai Anning, who was startled.

"Dad, I'll take An Ning to apply the medicine first, and go to see Mom first."

Lu Sichen nodded, feeling depressed, why didn't his daughter run into his arms immediately?
Lu Ye asked, "Dad, how should he deal with it?"

"You can figure it out." Lu Sichen still didn't figure it out, why didn't he run into his arms?
Lu Ye looked at the instructor, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and there was a hint of sternness in his eyes: "If you dare to bully our An Ning, no one can escape."

(End of this chapter)

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