Chapter 1144

Bai Jiujiu took a break and planned to write a manuscript, but she didn't expect that there was a message on the official account of Zhixin Time that she had to care about.

'Want to know Lu Sichen's secret?If you want to know, come to this restaurant. '

Bai Jiujiu didn't think much about it, he went straight to the restaurant and saw Wu Qiu.

Wu Qiu glanced at Bai Jiujiu: "You were not surprised to see me, did you guess it was me?"

Bai Jiujiu said: "Indeed, besides you, I can't think of anyone else who can ask me out at this time and say that he knows his secret."

Wu Qiu's face was a little pale, "Hehe, you are very smart, no wonder he likes you so much, and devoted his life to liking you."

Bai Jiujiu stared at Wu Qiu and said, "What do you mean?"

Wu Qiu said: "Can't you hear what I mean? Everything Lu Sichen did was to protect you. You know why he left me in the first place, just to make me scare you, so as to downplay your feelings towards you. His feelings, you see that you haven't experienced any pain in the past ten years, it's not bad, but you are pitiful that Lu Sichen is tortured every night, but you are kept in the dark without knowing it, tsk tsk tsk, it's really pitiful."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Wu Qiu: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Wu Qiu looked at Bai Jiujiu with such an attitude and sneered: "Could it be that you forgot what that guy Si Yin did to you? Or did you forget that ten years ago you were so painful that you almost died?"

Bai Jiujiu said: "Why should I trust you?"

"William Huo, do you know this person? You can ask him directly to see if he will tell you that you forgot what happened ten years ago. He knows it clearly. Your best friend also knows it. If you don't believe me You can go and ask." Wu Qiu got up and looked at Bai Jiujiu who was still hesitating, then said, "I'm afraid there is one more thing you don't know, Lu Sichen is dying, I've finished what I should say, believe it or not."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Wu Qiu and walked away without looking back, and immediately took a taxi to Huo Weiting's office, she wanted to know what was going on.

Wu Qiu looked at the back of Bai Jiujiu taking a taxi to leave, hehe, she was very curious, what choice would Bai Jiujiu make when he knew everything, why did he protect her so well?

She just disturbed Bai Jiujiu's peaceful life, looking forward to Bai Jiujiu knowing the truth and living in pain!

She is not feeling well, and neither should others.

When Bai Jiujiu came to Huo Weiting, he knew that sooner or later there would be a day when he closed Bai Jiujiu's memory and asked Lu Sichen.

If Bai Jiujiu came to him one day to ask for the truth, what would he do?
Lu Sichen just replied, let her go.

This surprised Huo Weiting, before Bai Jiujiu asked, Huo Weiting said first: "Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Bai Jiujiu hesitated for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"Well, I know what you are here for, you go to the room and wait, and I will give you back the truth."

Time passed by every minute and every second. When Bai Jiujiu came out of Huo Weiting's office, his body was a little weak. She finally knew it, but after knowing it, there was no relief, but her heart became even heavier.

Tears flowed from the corners of Bai Jiujiu's eyes, why is he so stupid, he bears all this silently, the distressed Bai Jiujiu can't breathe.

Why not tell her?
Why didn't you tell her that the two could face it together, why did they choose to face it by themselves, ten years!
She and him have been waiting, missing each other in time.

(End of this chapter)

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