Chapter 1145

Lu Sichen, I hate you, I hate you!
Bai Jiujiu couldn't think anymore, she only had one goal now, she wanted to see Lu Sichen, very, very much wanted to see him.

This moment has never been so urgent, eager to see him.

When Bai Jiujiu directly rushed into the meeting room, Lu Sichen couldn't help frowning, seeing the teardrops still hanging from the corners of her eyes: "Who bullied you?"

Bai Jiujiu's originally stopped tears flowed out again under these words.

Regardless of other people's sights and thoughts, Bai Jiujiu rushed directly in front of Lu Sichen and hugged him tightly.

It's been a long time since he had such intimate contact with her. Lu Sichen's body was slightly stiff, and when he was waiting for him to hug her back, Bai Jiujiu kissed her directly.

This time, not only Lu Sichen was stunned, but everyone else gasped.

Who is this girl, so bold?

It's over, it's over, this woman must be dead.

This kind of thing happened halfway through the meeting. It seemed bad for everyone to go out, but it didn't seem right to stand all the time.

Secretary Wu immediately made a rescue: "Everyone, please follow me to the next door."

As soon as the meeting attendees heard this, they rushed out immediately. Everyone knew that their boss had a bad temper, and anyone who walked slowly would surely be courting death.

After Secretary Wu and the others left, they carefully closed the curtains and the door.

The meeting room instantly became a private space.

Although everyone outside was curious, no one had the guts to listen to the corner.

When Lu Sichen spoke, his voice was a little hoarse, obviously he was forcibly enduring it.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen and shook his head, pressing his face tightly against his chest, not wanting to be separated from him for a second.

Lu Sichen had no choice but to hold her in his arms.

It's strange how he suddenly became so attached to him.

" know?"

Bai Jiujiu still didn't speak, just nodded.

The two were silent, and each other seemed to feel that saying anything was superfluous, so it was good to hug each other quietly without saying anything.

After a while, Bai Jiujiu said, "Uncle, I like you."


"I want to follow you wherever you go."


"I love you."


Bai Jiujiu interlocked fingers with Lu Sichen, staring at him: "Then, I!"


The pain in the chest entangled the two of them, as if the green vine was covered with sharp stings, the love walking on the tip of the knife, a sweet pain.

This time Lu Sichen didn't want to let Bai Jiujiu go, no matter if he was selfish or cruel, in the last days, he just wanted Bai Jiujiu to be with him more.

Bai Jiujiu said: "When An Ning is admitted to university, I want to travel with you, okay?"

"it is good,"

"Where do you think we should go?"

"Go anywhere, as long as it's a place you like."

"No, you have to like it too, uncle, you really don't have to accommodate me."

Lu Sichen laughed: "I don't, I just feel that it doesn't matter where I'm with you."

Bai Jiujiu said: "Okay then, let's visit all the Internet celebrity spots, I want to make up for the time we lost before, okay?"

"Okay, listen to you."

Bai Jiujiu imagined the future in Lu Sichen's arms, but no one knew that the future was full of unknowns, and unknowns represented hope as well as despair.


When Bai Anning returned to school, she felt that the attitude of the students around her seemed a bit strange, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either.

(End of this chapter)

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