Chapter 1146

That is, as if isolated, she wanted to chat with someone, but when others saw her, she left immediately.

She joined the conversation of her classmates, but no one paid attention to her.

After a long time, she doesn't want to humiliate herself, anyway, it's fine to be alone.

Like Lu Beichen, Bai Anning wears earphones, listens to English and studies, and does what he likes to do, and it seems that his mood will become very happy.

Bai Anning devoted herself to her studies, and didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

And Han Zi cast a sideways glance at Bai An Ning, and snorted coldly, to see how long you can last.

At first, Bai Anning didn't care, but after a long time, she realized that something was wrong.

The teacher arranges team activities, and she wants to join, but no one pays attention to her and treats her as a transparent person.

Bai Anning couldn't help frowning, and responded to the teacher.

The teacher said: "For this problem, you have to find the reason from yourself. It's not good to get along with your classmates as soon as you come here."

Bai Anning said: "I, I have no problem?"

The teacher said: "No problem, then why are you alone?"

Bai Anning was silent.

"Okay, let's go out if you have nothing to do."

Bai Anning felt wronged, but didn't know what to say, so he had to go out.

Now she has a kind of indescribable feeling that a dumb person is suffering from eating Huanglian.

So she was gloomy all day, and she was still downcast when she got home.

Bai Jiujiu could tell right away, he stopped typing, stepped forward and said with concern, "What's wrong baby? I'm in a bad mood."

Bai Anning just opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only muffle: "It's nothing.

Bai Jiujiu looked puzzled and sighed involuntarily. Maybe the child is older and has his own secrets, so he won't share them with her.

Lu Beichen walked to Bai Anning's side: "What happened?"

Bai Anning directly hugged Lu Beichen and pouted: "They all bully me!"

Lu Beichen's face immediately darkened: "Who?"

"Students and teachers."


Seeing Lu Beichen's reaction, Bai Anning immediately let go, and turned his head: "Look, even you are bullying me! You don't even believe me!"

Bai Anning felt even more wronged, tears welled up immediately.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't see his daughter crying, so he immediately hugged Bai Anning in his arms, and comforted him: "What's the matter, baby, be good, tell mom what happened?"

Bai Jiujiu's voice was slightly deep, which made people feel very comfortable.

Bai Anning immediately complained: "I don't know the details, but when I arrived at school, they ignored me. The teacher asked me to form a group for activities and ignored me. I told the teacher, and the teacher said it was my fault!"

Bai Jiujiu understood that this was cold violence on campus.

"Then did you do anything to misunderstand them?"

Bai Anning shook her head, with a puzzled look on her face: "No, I didn't do anything."

Bai Jiujiu thought about it for a while and immediately gave Bai Anning a suggestion: "Go to school tomorrow, find someone who has a good relationship with you, and secretly find out the reason for their isolation. Only after you find out the reason can you prescribe the right medicine."

Bai Anning seemed to understand but nodded.

Bai Anning, who was originally in a bad mood, suddenly became clear under Bai Jiujiu's enlightenment, hugged Bai Jiujiu and said, "Thank you, Mom."

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said: "Okay, no matter what happens in the future, remember that family is your strong backing, and mother will always stand by your side to support you."

"I knew Mom was the best for me. Come and give me a boo!" Bai Anning kissed Bai Jiujiu and said, "Mom, I'm going back to my room to do my homework."

When Lu Beichen passed by, he snorted, obviously still angry.

Lu Beichen: ...

Bai Jiujiu watched the two of them quarrel and it was really interesting.

"Smiling so happily?" Lu Sichen, who just came back, looked at Bai Jiujiu secretly smiling alone, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head, and Lu Ye, who had been sitting on the sofa watching TV, said, "Dad, An Ning was bullied."

"Who?" Lu Sichen frowned, and his dark eyes immediately showed hostility.

Bai Jiujiu immediately comforted him: "It's a small matter, it's the children's business, let her solve it by herself, and when she can't solve it, let's take action. Besides, this kind of cold violence on campus is really a headache, but there is no way to eradicate it."

Lu Sichen said: "Okay, if it really doesn't work, let's change her school."

Bai Jiujiu sighed in his heart, this is obviously a temporary solution, not a permanent solution.

It never occurred to Bai Anning that the whole family was worrying about her. In fact, she didn't care, but sometimes the teacher assigned tasks to be done in groups, which was a little more troublesome.

Back at school the next day, Bai Anning found a classmate she had helped before and quietly pulled her to a remote place and asked, "Why don't you talk to me when you see me now? What happened?"

The classmates looked around, but no one said: "Han Zi said that you can enter the school because of your connections, and if anyone offends you, you may not be able to get along in this school. The previous college is the end."

After finishing speaking, the classmate was a little scared and said, "I, I, I'm just telling the truth, you, don't blame me."

After speaking, the classmate ran away immediately.

Han Zi!Bai Anning couldn't bear it anymore and went straight to Han Zi, "What do you mean, talking nonsense! Are you trying to hurt me on purpose?"

Han Zi said innocently: "What did you say? I don't understand at all."

Bai Anning resisted the urge to punch her to death, and immediately said: "What a bitch wants to set up an archway!"

"You!" Han Zi was so angry that her face was almost purple, she never expected that Bai Anning would call her a bitch for being so rude!
"You are really shameless!" This kind of words can be said out of my mouth.

Bai Anning said: "Who is shameless to spread rumors everywhere? My score line number one is based on actual tests. If anyone doesn't believe it, he can ask the teacher. Also, I hate acting like a villain behind the scenes. You are really capable, hiding behind your back and stabbing people in the back, you are simply a despicable and shameless villain!"

Han Zi said pitifully, "I didn't, it wasn't me, woo woo woo."

The weak can always arouse the sympathy of others.

"Bai Anning, don't go too far, you can't do this if you are all classmates."

"That's right, scolding so viciously is simply uneducated."

"Han Zi, don't cry, we won't play with her, stay away from her."

"That's right, stay away from her and go for a walk."

When Han Zi turned around, she smiled triumphantly at Bai Anning. Bai Anning couldn't stand the provocation, so she punched her.


As you can imagine, the two were invited to the office again.

The head teacher saw that it was these two again, and he had lingering fears about what happened last time, and he had a headache.

"Tell me, what's going on today?"

Han Zi looked into the panda's eyes and said, "Teacher, she hit me, woo woo woo."

The head teacher looked at the funny panda eyes on Han Zi's face, tried his best to hold back his smile, and turned to Bai Anning.

(End of this chapter)

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