Chapter 1158

Yu Wei glanced at Han Zi, Han Zi couldn't help blushing when Yu Wei looked at him like this: "Mom, why are you staring at me like this?"

Yu Wei said meaningfully: "Do you like that kid, you always speak for him?"

"Oh, Mom, I'm ignoring you." Han Zi immediately went upstairs and hid in his room, his mind was full of Lu Beichen's every move just now. It would be great if the person he cared about was himself.


Lu Ye came to a villa in the western suburbs, and rushed in, "Aya, come out for me! Get out of here."

Aya yawned from the room, looking very tired: "What is so exciting?"

Lu Yesen looked at Aya coldly: "What about An Ning? What did you do to An Ning?"

Aya lit a cigarette and said, "It's just your daughter who killed your mother and enemy, why do you care so much?"

"An Ning is my sister!"

Aya sneered: "The moment you choose your mother, she is no longer your sister."

"You, you'd better give An Ning to me now, otherwise..."

"What else? Kill me, don't forget that your mother is in my hands." Aya took a breath and said calmly, "If you want to see her, you have to obey me obediently, don't you?"


"Of course, you can also choose to ignore your mother's life and death. How about killing her yourself like before?"

Lu Ye's whole body trembled, fell backwards, and sat on the sofa.

He struggled and suffered in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Aya said: "I advise you to go back honestly, so as not to be found out."

"Where is An Ning? Tell me where is An Ning?" Lu Ye said with a dejected expression.

"Her?" Aya sneered, "I still advise you to forget her, she is dead."

Lu Ye never expected that Aya would kill An Ning. He glanced at Aya with hatred, but he couldn't do anything.

Aya watched Lu Ye walk out in a daze, tapped twice, and a figure pushed the door in.

It was a face exactly like You Yao's.

"Be nice to him, use your maternal love to use him to bring down the Lu family, understand, You Yao?"

You Yao nodded.


Han Xu was on his way home. It was raining heavily. He drove very carefully and slowly, but unexpectedly, a figure suddenly rushed out. Han Xu was so frightened that he stepped on the brakes!
Han Xu thought he had hit someone, got out of the car immediately, and saw someone lying in front of his car, he was not sure if the person was really dead, he was a little hesitant, if he really hit someone to death, he would Do it firmly.

Han Xu looked around and wanted to run away, but his feet were grabbed suddenly, and his voice was very weak: "Help, save me..."

Han Xu lowered his head and brushed his hair aside to see that it was Bai Anning!

Han Xu immediately ran Bai Anning into his arms: "Anning, wake up, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

Without even thinking about it, Han Xu hugged Bai Anning on the way to the hospital.

He wanted to call Bai Jiujiu, but Bai Jiujiu's cell phone was turned off. In desperation, he could only sit and wait for the result.

After the examination, the doctor said: "She has large and small wounds on her body. It looks like she was beaten while struggling, and her head was hit. I'm afraid it will be difficult to wake up for a while."

When Han Xu heard this, he was very shocked. Who beat Bai Anning?
Since Bai Jiujiu couldn't be contacted, he could only take care of Bai Anning temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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