Chapter 1159

On the other side, Aya also received the news.

"Idiot, you can't even deal with a little girl. What use do I need you trash? Hurry up and find out where she is, she must die tonight!"

It's not good for her if things drag on.

Han Xu accompanied Bai Anning in the hospital, seeing Bai Anning's weak and helpless appearance, he couldn't help feeling distressed, she was just a child, but she was beaten like this, what happened to her in Lu's house?

At this time, Han Xu received a call from Yu Wei, afraid that Bai Anning would be disturbed and immediately went out to answer it.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

"It's raining, Mrs., it's a bit dangerous. I'll temporarily sleep in a nearby hotel at night."

"Which hotel?" Yu Wei asked warily.

Han Xu couldn't help frowning: "Why don't you believe me, just forget it!"

Yu Wei called back dissatisfied with being hung up, and Han Xu turned off the phone in a state of upset.

When Han Xu went home to the ward, he saw someone pinching Bai Anning's neck: "What are you doing!"

Seeing that he was found, the man left a sentence before running away: "If you don't want her to die, don't let her appear in front of the Lu family."

In fact, he will be killed by Aya if he fails to complete the task, so he can only intimidate Han Xu in this way, and report to Aya that he has dealt with it, and find a corpse of the same size as Bai Anning to take a photo and send it to Aya. past.

Aya glanced at the photo and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, I will transfer the rest of the money to your account."

Aya hung up the phone and said to the bodyguard beside her, "You know what to do, dead people will never speak."


Aya burned the photo, but she never thought that the other party was just a fake report. Her confidence made her not doubt it.

After listening to the man's threats, Han Xu knew that the Lu family must be planning to harm Bai Anning, but who was it?

Bai Anning suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Han Xu, and asked with a questioning face, "Are you my father?"

Han Xu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a bold idea came into his mind, he couldn't let Bai Anning get hurt, so he hugged Bai Anning tightly and said, "Yes, yes, I am your father, An Ning, you are fine Yes, that's great!"

Han Xu planned to adopt Bai Anning, and because of her damaged face, he took her to country H for plastic surgery, and reached an agreement with Yu Wei at the same time.

He took An Ning in and recognized her as his daughter. One of the conditions was that he would not divorce Yu Wei.

So Han Xu arranged another identity for Bai Anning, the long-lost daughter of the Han family, Han Anning.

Yu Wei looked at Han Xu with a sneer: "I didn't expect you to use my marriage as a bargaining chip for Bai Jiujiu's daughter. I'm just curious why you adopted her daughter."

Han Xu said indifferently: "You don't need to know, all you need to know is that An Ning is my daughter now."

Yu Wei looked at Han Xu with a sneer: "I never thought that you wouldn't get Bai Jiujiu, and you would actually kidnap and sell her daughter to your own home, Han Xu, you are really amazing.

Han Xu didn't answer Yu Wei's words, but said: "Han Zi's side, I hope you can explain her thoughts clearly, so that she will try not to reject An Ning, and the two of you should keep An Ning a secret, unless she remembers it personally. Otherwise, none of you will say anything!"

Yu Wei sneered and said, "As long as you don't get a divorce, I don't care what you want. I'm just looking forward to it. If Bai Jiujiu knows that the daughter she has been looking for is finally hidden by you, what do you think will be the result? "

(End of this chapter)

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