Chapter 1168

When Lu Beichen heard the noise, he turned his head and saw that there was nothing.

Lu Ningning asked, "Brother, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, it's nothing, let's go." Lu Beichen patted Lu Ningning's shoulder, and took a strand of hair from her shoulder, wrapping it in his palm.

Lu Beichen only wanted to find out if Lu Ningning was An Ning, but he didn't pay much attention, and missed the opportunity to rescue An Ning.

After the man stunned An Ning, he hid secretly behind the pillar. After Lu Beichen left, he picked up An Ning and planned to leave the library, but he didn't expect to be blocked by someone.

"Step aside."

Tianying clasped his arms around him, he could see clearly from the strange behavior of this person just now, he must not be a good person to come to the library to make people dizzy.

When someone blocked the way, the man said angrily: "Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude."

Tianying shrugged his shoulders: "Don't be polite to me, just come."

In just two or three seconds, the man ran away with a bruised nose and a swollen face from being beaten by Tianying.

Tianying glanced at An Ning, who was still unconscious, and found the mobile phone from her, but unfortunately she didn't know the password.

After thinking about it, he could only bring An Ning home.

After all, he can't put the unconscious person on the side of the road.

After Tianying returned home, she directly put An Ning on her bed and stared at An Ning for a long time, feeling a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Tianying was so fascinated by it that he didn't even know that someone came in. He was slapped on the shoulder severely.

"What are you thinking? You are so fascinated." Phantom smiled, her eyes fell on the bed, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes: "Son, you finally got the hang of it, and you really brought the girl home? Tell mom quickly Which family's children are you talking about? How did you fall asleep? What did you do?"

Facing the problem of her mother crackling, Tianying felt a little irritable and helpless: "Mom, it's just a girl I rescued on the side of the road."

Rescued by the side of the road?
Phantom smiled sinisterly, "I believe you ghost, take the rescued ones on the roadside and take them home? You must know that you refused to urge you to bring your female friends home with these people."

"Mom, it's true."

"Then why not put her directly in the hotel."

"I'm worried that the hotel is not safe. Someone knocked her unconscious. I guess she offended someone."

Phantom took a second look at An Ning: "That's it, after the little girl wakes up, contact her family and send her back."

Phantom couldn't help sighing after speaking, she thought her son had figured it out, but unfortunately...

I couldn't help but look at An Ning more, the more I liked it, the more I saw it, the more I saw it.

"Actually, this girl looks pretty good. You have saved her life, maybe you can go everywhere?"

Tianying felt unable to communicate with her mother, and planned to leave directly.

At this time, An Ning Youyou opened his eyes, still a little dizzy, looked around and asked involuntarily, "Where is this?"

Phantom immediately said: "This is my home, my son, you were fainted before, and it was my son who saved you."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Tianying to An Ning, she decided to be the matchmaker.

An Ning glanced at Tianying and smiled, "Thank you."

Tianying turned her face away: "No, you're welcome." Her ears seemed to be a little red.

Phantom saw the clue at a glance, this silly boy was obviously interested in An Ning.

No, with her son's personality, she was hopeless, so she went out and asked An Ning, "Are you married?"

(End of this chapter)

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