Chapter 1169

"Ah?" An Ning didn't react, and then said: "I, I'm still in school, I just started my freshman year."

"Oh, sorry, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, no."

Phantom breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine if there is no.

An Ning looked puzzled, why did you ask this.

Tianying was naturally clear in her heart, and warned Phantom with her eyes to stop talking nonsense.

Seeing An Ning's embarrassed face, Phantom smiled and said, "Don't mind, I just think that if you have a boyfriend, I will notify your boyfriend to come pick you up."

peaceful:? ? ?Shouldn't the parents be notified first?
Tianying: ...Mom is such a fool.

Tianying immediately said: "Did you call your parents when you woke up? To prevent them from worrying.

An Ning nodded, asked for the address before dialing, and told Han Xu.

An Ning sat in the living room and waited, somewhat reserved.

Seeing the two of them, Phantom felt that she should have some private space, so she said: "We and you guys are going to order something to eat." She secretly hid aside and observed.

Seeing that my son didn't speak, I was anxious!
An Ning glanced at Tianying. Although he didn't talk much, he always felt that he gave people a very reassuring and reliable feeling.

"Did you see the guy who gave me the drug?"

Tianying nodded.

An Ning continued to ask: "If you were asked to describe it, would you be able to describe it?"

"I can draw it."

"Oh." An Ning actually didn't hold much hope for Tianying's painting, and just said casually, "Then show me after you draw it."

Tianying nodded: "Do you know who is trying to harm you?"

An Ning shook her head.

Tianying was silent and did not speak.

And An Ning was so preoccupied that she didn't speak.

In desperation, Phantom immediately served fruit to create some more opportunities for the two, when the door opened.

Han Xu rushed in directly: "An Ning, An Ning."

An Ning immediately waved: "Dad, I'm here."

Han Xu hugged An Ning and looked her up and down, he was relieved when he saw that she was not injured.

Han Xu glanced at Phantom and said, "Thank you for saving my daughter."

Phantom smiled and said, "It's all right."

Han Xu left with An Ning, Tianying looked at An Ning's back and seemed a little bit reluctant.

Phantom couldn't help but raised his forehead, his stupid son really didn't know how to take the initiative, now he just looked at what he was doing just now?

Not even a contact information.

Tianying immediately took out the paintbrush, and Phantom asked curiously, "What are you doing?"


Phantom thought of the conversation between the two before, this silly boy was quite caring, forget it, for the sake of her son's lifelong event, she must help her son.

Since the son doesn't take the initiative, then she will take the initiative. Although she didn't leave her contact information, it is much more difficult to check.

Phantom immediately made a phone call: "Hey, the child's father, our son is very shy because he has a crush on a girl, so I'm sorry to say, let's help him, yes, yes, let's see which university, which department and which class that girl is in. , directly transfer our son to the class, to be closer to that girl, well, the sooner the better, he is preparing presents."

Tianying devoted herself to painting, never expecting her mother to do so many things behind her back.

Of course, he didn't agree or object after learning about it, but Phantom could feel that her son was still very happy, after all, if he didn't refuse, he acquiesced.

The next day, An Ning never expected to see Tianying again, he was a transfer student.

(End of this chapter)

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