Chapter 1173

Lu Ningning told the truth.

"An Ning? Which An Ning?" Lu Ye's heart hangs when he heard the familiar name. When he took Lu Ningning home, he suggested changing the name. He knew that Lu Ningning was not An Ning, so he didn't want her to bear this name.

Lu Ningning didn't expect Lu Ye's reaction to be so strong, so he said, "It's a classmate of mine named Han Anning."

When Lu Ye heard about Han Anning, he suddenly thought of the illegitimate daughter named Han Anning who appeared in the Han family three years ago. He didn't think much about it at the time. After all, everyone knew that Han Xu liked Bai Jiujiu. Some even rumored that Han Anning was Han Xu and Bai Jiujiu's illegitimate daughter, but Lu Ye knows how much Bai Jiujiu loves Lu Sichen, so it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

He didn't care about it before, but now he cares, especially after hearing that Lu Beichen's attitude has changed subtly after seeing An Ning, he cares even more.

Lu Ye didn't say anything, and drove out directly, but he didn't know that when he was going out, Lu Beichen saw everything through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Lu Beichen suspected Lu Ye, his younger brother, but he was the last person he wanted to doubt, because Lu Beichen knew that once the seeds of doubt took root, no matter what the outcome was, it would hurt the relationship between each other.

And the two grew up together, and they were brothers. Lu Beichen couldn't help but furrow his brows, hoping that everything was just his carelessness. After all, he would never believe that Lu Ye would hurt An Ning.

Lu Ye came to the villa area in the suburbs with ease. He came once three years ago, for the sake of peace, and he came again three years later, also for the sake of peace.

As soon as Lu Ye opened the door, he saw some indecent scenes.

Aya put on her clothes and said, "Why don't you know how to change your habit of not knocking?"

Aya gave a signal, and the man beside her immediately got dressed and went out.

Aya lit a cigarette and smoked: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"An Ning is still alive, right?" Lu Ye went straight to the point.

Aya's eyelids twitched: "Why do you ask this?"

"You answer my question first, is she still alive!"

Seeing Lu Ye's anxious look, Aya exhaled smoke and said, "So what if she's alive? So what if she's dead? Are you going to bring her back to the Lu family? Don't forget that the Lu family already has a Lu Anning."

"That Lu An is a fake!" Lu Ye was a little angry: "You said that you brought a fake An Ning into the Lu family to reassure Bai Jiujiu, but you didn't tell me that An Ning is still alive. If I knew she was still alive, I will definitely not let that fake person enter the Lu family!"

Aya didn't care at all and said: "Actually, I only recently found out that she is still alive. She is so lucky and well hidden, otherwise she would have died three years ago."

Lu Ye stepped forward and grabbed Aya's neck: "She is my sister, if you dare to hurt her again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Aya was not afraid at all: "Pinch, if you have the ability to strangle me, let's see who can help you reunite your family."

Lu Ye let go of his hand: "What do you mean?"

"Literally, it's been so long, congratulations, your parents will come home soon, and your family can be reunited. Isn't this the result you've always wanted?"

Lu Ye couldn't accept it for a while: "You mean my father will wake up, and my mother will come back with my father?"

Aya smiled and said: "I said that I will help you, and I will help you naturally. It will be soon, just wait slowly."

This day can finally come, how much does she look forward to, what kind of surface will Bai Jiujiu show when the time comes?
(End of this chapter)

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