Chapter 1174

An Ning didn't expect that Han Zi would be invited to Lu Ningning's birthday party, she thought Lu Ningning wouldn't invite her.

Han Zi was dressing up meticulously, and asked An Ning for her opinion: "An Ning, do you think I look good in this outfit?"

An Ning took a look and said, "Sister, you look good in anything you wear, but today is Lu Ningning's birthday, so it's not good for you to dress so grandly."

Han Zi gave her a white look: "Whoever wears it for her to see, I wear it for brother Beichen, and if you really compare her, it's only because she doesn't have my temperament."

An Ning was convinced: "Then I wish my sister well."

In fact, she just said it casually, and Han Zi immediately excitedly grabbed An Ning's hand and said, "You really bless me? Take care of me and Brother Beichen?"

An Ning didn't know why Han Zi reacted so strongly: "It's useless for me to look after her, you should let Lu Ningning look after her, after all, she is Beichen's younger sister."

Han Zi pouted lightly, "She deserves it too? Anyway, An Ning, as long as you think it's good, you can agree. When I become your sister-in-law someday, I will definitely treat you well."

An Ning felt extremely uncomfortable when she heard the two sisters-in-law, she pulled out her hand and said, "Sister, hurry up, I'm afraid it will be very rude if you are late."

"Yes, yes, you are right." Han Zi glanced at An Ning while dressing up, and said, "Aren't you dressing up?"

An Ning smiled and said, "It's not necessary, just go and have fun, just take it easy."

In fact, An Ning didn't like this kind of occasion, but at least she was personally invited by the host of the birthday party.

When Han Zi appeared in the crowd, she was particularly dazzling, and she only hoped that Lu Beichen could see it, but Lu Beichen was just looking for An Ning's figure.

Another person who was looking for An Ning was Lu Ye.

An Ning didn't expect there to be so many people, she just wandered around and looked around.

When others were envious of Lu Ningning's money and admiring eyes, An Ning was not too shocked or surprised.

Everything here gave her a very familiar feeling, as if she had been here before.

Some fragments suddenly flashed in An Ning's mind, intermittently, as if she had heard Lu Beichen's voice.


I don't know who called her, but just when An Ning was about to respond, she felt a sudden push from behind and fell into the open-air swimming pool next to her.

"Ah, someone fell into the water!" someone in the crowd screamed.

Some people jumped into the water without thinking.

An Ning was rescued by someone who was Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen saw An Ning and wanted to say hello. He just called her, but the next second he saw her fall into the swimming pool, and jumped in without thinking.

Lu Beichen gave An Ning artificial respiration.

People around are full of envy.

Han Zi saw this scene even if she was envious and jealous. Why wasn't she the one who fell into the swimming pool? Then Lu Beichen must be the one who was artificially resuscitated now.

When Lu Beichen tried his best to save An Ning, Lu Ye watched coldly from the side. This was really An Ning, and his appearance seemed to have changed a lot. He had some doubts, but seeing Lu Beichen's actions, he had no doubts at all.

He might have mistaken An Ning, but Lu Beichen would not, because Lu Beichen had asked him before, did he feel that Lu Ningning was a little different, it seemed that he was not the same as before, and he could only make excuses at that time.

But Lu Beichen still has a certain distance from Lu Ningning. Lu Beichen will never show any enthusiasm towards anyone other than his relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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