Chapter 1190

There seemed to be a staircase in the secret room, the two hesitated for a moment, and then sneaked in slowly.

There are sensor lights, but it's not dark at all, and a light will light up every time you take a step.

An Ning doesn't like this kind of dense space. She clutches Lu Beichen's sleeve tightly, feeling a little scared.

Lu Beichen deliberately slowed down.

Both of them felt that there was danger, but what they didn't expect was that there seemed to be a room deeper inside, and it was also a study room with various books placed in it.

This made Lu Beichen and An Ning look at each other at the same time.

This doesn't seem like a place to detain people, it seems like a place to rest.

But who builds a resting place in the basement?
There must be some shady secret.

Lu Beichen and An Ning looked at each other, and they both had a tacit understanding, searching in various ways.

"Brother, come and take a look." An Ning seems to have found a notebook, which is not thick, but it is wrapped in kraft paper. It seems that its owner should cherish it very much.

"what is this?"

"It seems to be a notebook, shall we open it and have a look?"

Lu Beichen nodded, so An Ning immediately opened the kraft paper, and there was indeed a notebook inside.

An Ning opened it immediately, and it seemed to be a handy diary without a date, but it could be seen that it was written at different times.

[They seem to have forgotten, for some reason, my family has also disappeared, who is that person?How can there be such a powerful energy?It can swallow the sky and destroy the earth!That person seems to be in Lu Sichen's body, what secrets does Lu Sichen's body hold?He himself does not seem to know. 】

The two looked at each other after watching the first paragraph.

"This seems to be about our father?" An Ning looked puzzled: "There are secrets in my father's body? Why have I never heard my mother say it, and I have forgotten what it means? Who are they referring to? What is the family?"

An Ning looked dazed, completely clueless, and it was a crackling problem for Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't know either."

An Ning was shocked, as if to say: You don't know?Are there things in this world that you don't know?

In An Ning's cognition, Lu Beichen has always been omnipotent. The only blame is that he was too smart since he was a child, which made An Ning envious.

Lu Beichen couldn't help frowning, is it strange that he doesn't know something?

I don't understand why An Ning has such a big reaction.

"Keep reading, maybe there will be some other clues."

An Ning nodded. Rather than clues, the two wanted to know who the person who wrote this thing was?Is it possible to save father and mother?

【I've tested her memory, she really forgot, I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't expect that evil spirit to possess her friend, it seemed to control her friend, and wanted to kill her!It seems that all of this is real, and I am not dreaming, so it is good, can the taboo circulating in my body be lifted, can I not die? 】

The two couldn't understand, so they continued to look down.

[I didn't expect that my aging speed is faster than before. No, I don't want to die. I have to find a way to prolong my life. It's all Lu Sichen's fault. He took everything from me!
No, I can't die, I absolutely can't die, I'm the only one in the whole family, no matter what I want to live, I must live. 】

(End of this chapter)

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