Chapter 1191

【Strange, that evil spirit disappeared?But it seems to be still in her friend's body, not like disappearing, more like sleeping or suppressing?No matter what it is, I seem to see hope, and I suddenly have a bold idea... Will I be able to survive this way?Even if there is one ten thousandth hope, I will live on! 】

[My body is getting worse and worse, and it seems that I can't support it. The human experiment is indeed successful, but this method of cloning is not absolute. Even if it is cloned, it is not the original person. It seems that only the soul can is eternal. 】

[I seem to have found a way, but I didn't expect that such a method would be based on death. Will it be successful?I don't know, but my body can't hold on any longer. If that's the case, I might as well give it a go. 】

[Jijiu, if possible, I hope to be with you with a brand new attitude, forever. 】

After that, there was no text, but some incomprehensible, ghost-like pictures.

After reading it, An Ning came to her first conclusion: "Is this my mother's old lover?"

Before he could say anything, Lu Beichen beat his head: "What are you thinking? If Dad finds out, you will know the consequences!"

An Ning couldn't help shivering when she thought of Lu Sichen's jealous father.

"But brother Beichen, do you understand? Why can't I understand anything?"

Lu Beichen couldn't help frowning. In fact, he seemed to understand, but seeing Shang An Ning's eager eyes, he just hid the notes in the inner layer of his clothes and said, "I still have to study, Aya must have Dong XZ under here." It's a very important thing, let's take it away first."

An Ning nodded.

When the two were about to leave, An Ning suddenly noticed something was wrong: "Brother Beichen, there seems to be another door here?"

Lu Beichen saw that there was indeed a secret door, which he did not expect at all.

After opening the secret door, there seemed to be a rotten atmosphere inside, which made Lu Beichen frown involuntarily. The inside was very dark and seemed to be filled with unknown dangers.

Just as An Ning was about to go in, she was stopped by Lu Beichen: "I'll go in, you wait outside."

An Ning grabbed Lu Beichen tightly and shook his head, "No, I'll go in with you, I have a hunch, mother, mother seems to be inside."

Lu Beichen looked at An Ning's terrified expression, and really didn't dare to let her stay outside alone. If something happened again, he would regret it too much.

Lu Beichen held An Ning's hand tightly and said, "Okay, let's go in together."

When Lu Beichen and An Ning entered, they realized that the lights inside were rather dim, not as bright as outside, and there was only a narrow road inside, with small rooms on both sides.

It seemed to be very quiet inside, but both of them smelled a bloody smell, and An Ning immediately felt nauseated, and vomited on the side.

Lu Beichen couldn't help frowning.

Both of them looked into the room, but it was too dark, but they couldn't see clearly what it was like inside, and vaguely felt that there should be people locked inside.

Lu Beichen asked An Ning: "It's too dark in such a room, how can we find it?" I regretted not bringing a flashlight.

An Ning closed her eyes, she seemed to smell a familiar smell, and walked forward according to the feeling.

Lu Beichen didn't speak, but just followed An Ning.

"Mother, mother, can you hear me? Mom, mom, mom!" An Ning murmured in a low voice, as if calling, or there was a kind of blood instinct, or intuitive instinct, An Ning moved forward The feeling is stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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