Chapter 1195

Lu Ye didn't even prepare for it at all, and his body fell extremely fast. It turned out that this was the feeling of death. It did suffocate him, but he was not afraid.

Did he regret it?
Lu Ye closed his eyes, the only thing he regretted was hurting Bai Jiujiu.

He vaguely remembered the situation when Bai Jiujiu took him home and cared for him. In fact, he really regretted making that choice, but at the same time, he yearned for real maternal love in his heart.

Especially at that time, when he pushed his mother down with his own hands, the way his mother looked at him became a nightmare for his whole life, and grew up with him.

It also became an unspeakable pain in his heart.

So when A-Zhen suggested that he could see his mother again, he was moved. Even though his mother was really hard on him, there were good times.

If it happened again, he might still choose that way.

Hearing Bai Jiujiu's cry, Lu Ye said in his heart: If there is an afterlife, I still hope to be your son and your mother.

At the last moment of the fall, the speed of the rope suddenly slowed down. Lu Ye didn't feel any pain, but felt a little warm and soft.

Lu Ye opened his eyes and saw that it was You Yao.

You Yao received Lu Ye, and at the same time Lu Beichen's rope gradually let go.

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, it was An Ning, An Ning did it.

A rare smile appeared on Bai Jiujiu's face, proud of his daughter's arrival.

Ah Zhen didn't expect her plans to be ruined in an instant, and she didn't expect You Yao to go against her order to save Lu Ye.

"You Yao, how dare you disobey me?" Ah Zhen gritted her teeth.

You Yao's eyes were a little timid, "He, he is my son."

Ah Zhen sneered and said: "He is not your son, you are just a tool I made, and a tool should obey the master's orders!"

Ah Zhen turned her head to look at Lu Ye, with a bit of viciousness: "It's all your fault, if it weren't for your sabotage, I would have made it a long time ago, thanks to me helping you realize your wish, you white-eyed wolf, dare to betray me , I will let you die!"

"Stop!" Bai Jiujiu ran over to fight Ah Zhen, but Bai Jiujiu never thought that Ah Zhen's speed was surprisingly fast, it was not at the speed of a human being, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In this situation, Si Yin's appearance flashed in her mind, as he was like that back then.

It was as if some memory had burst out of its shell.

Bai Jiujiu covered his head in pain.

A Zhen wanted to kill Lu Ye with hatred. Lu Ye was injured before and couldn't move. You Yao saw that A Zhen wanted to hurt Lu Ye and blocked it with her body without thinking.

Lu Ye wanted to push You Yao away, but it was still a step too late.

The knife directly pierced You Yao's body.

"No!" Lu Ye yelled in pain.

You Yao lay in Lu Ye's arms, bleeding profusely, she still blocked with her body: "No, don't, don't hurt, mine, my child."

Ah Zhen never expected You Yao to be so desperate for Lu Yehui, "He is not your child at all, you are just a test product created by me, you are not even considered human, don't you understand?"

You Yao touched Lu Ye's face weakly and said: "He, he is my child, his eyebrows, his face looks more like me, mom, mom... love, love you..."

You Yao tried her best to support her body, and planted a kiss on Lu Ye's forehead, and then her whole body seemed to lose her soul, hanging down.

 As I write this, my eyes are moist.

  I don't know how long I will write this story, and I don't care if anyone reads it, even if there is no one.

  In the beginning maybe I controlled this story, but now it is this story that controls me, I don’t know if it’s a collapse, maybe it’s a collapse, but even so, I still want to continue, because I don’t know the ending of this story at all What will happen, I only have one belief, write it down, no matter how long it is, someone will always see it.

(End of this chapter)

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