Chapter 1196

"No! Ah!" Lu Ye cried out in pain: "No, I don't want you to die, I don't want you to die, mom, wake up, wake up and look at me! I am Xiao Si, your son Xiao Si! !"

Seeing this scene, Ah Zhen just sneered and said, "Idiot, you are just a test subject, how could you have a child?"

Lu Ye looked at A Zhen, his eyes were bloodshot, with a strong hatred: "It's you, it's all you, I'm going to kill you."

A-Zhen said disdainfully, "It's up to you?"

Lu Ye threw a punch at him, and Ah Zhen was surprisingly fast. She dodged and punched Lu Ye instead. The punch was as powerful as a thousand catties, and Lu Ye flew out directly.

Lu Ye just felt that his internal organs were all hurting together. He now understands why Ah Zhen has such a strong self-confidence, which comes from her strength, but why is she so strong?
This is definitely not something that ordinary people have. You must know that he has worked very hard in training. It is impossible for ordinary people, no matter how strong they are, to knock him away with a single punch.

Lu Ye glanced sideways at the picture of the ghost painting talisman, sorcerer, must have used sorcery to become like this.

Ah Zhen's smile became even more rampant: "You want to fight with me, but your strength is not on the same level as mine. Do you think I'm still the same as before? Then die!"

Before Lu Ye could catch his breath, Ah Zhen stood in front of him in an instant, pinching his neck tightly with her fingers.

Lu Ye felt that death was approaching again. Is he going to die?

But he is not reconciled, not reconciled to die like this!
Seeing that Lu Ye was in danger, Bai Jiujiu, ignoring the pain, shouted angrily and rushed forward with all his strength: "Stop!"

Bai Jiujiu felt as if something was being suppressed in her body. She wanted to break through hard, but with a little force, she felt more pain.

Seeing that Lu Ye was about to suffocate, Bai Jiujiu had only one thought. If she wanted to save Lu Ye, she had to save Lu Ye.

Bai Jiujiu had only one belief in his mind, to save Lu Ye.

When Bai Jiujiu saw it clearly, he realized that he had punched Ah Zhen to the ground.

She was stunned, as if it was the instinct of her own body, she didn't even react.

Ah Zhen took a look at Bai Jiujiu, and there was a faint white halo around her body, she was extremely surprised, "You have awakened."

"What awakening?" Bai Jiujiu looked blank.

Ah Zhen laughed wildly, she felt that she must be hopeless, even so, she still wanted to drag Bai Jiujiu to hell together.

Ah Zhen rushed forward and threw herself on Bai Jiujiu. Bai Jiujiu was hit by the force and stepped back a few steps, just in time to fall into the talisman array.

Ah Zhen bit Bai Jiujiu's arm hard, as if she wanted to bite off a piece of her body.

The blood flowed down Ah Zhen's mouth, fell to the ground, and was completely absorbed by the talisman. The originally dark talisman instantly brightened up, and under the moonlight, it was even more dazzling.

Ah Zhen and Bai Jiujiu were surrounded by the bloody moonlight.

"Mom!" An Ning saw the situation in front of her after saving Lu Beichen, her mother swallowed by the bloody moonlight.

An Ning ran to Lu Ye and said, "Brother Ye, what happened? Where is my mother? How did it happen?"

Everything happened so fast that Lu Ye had no idea what was going on.

Lu Ye shook his head, and looked at the talisman array that was wrapped in bloody moonlight, and there was a terrifying screaming sound from inside, which made the hearts of the three hang in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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