Chapter 1197

They didn't know what happened inside, and they all prayed that nothing would happen to Bai Jiujiu.

An Ning wanted to rush in, but was hugged tightly by Lu Beichen: "An Ning, calm down, if you rush in, if something happens, how can I explain to my mother."

"But mom, mom is inside, she's inside!" An Ning screamed, the feeling of being helpless and only watching caused her torment.

"An Ning, you have to trust your mother, she will definitely survive." Lu Beichen's tone was extremely firm.

"Really? Is it true? Can Mom survive?" An Ning's eyes were broken, and she grabbed Lu Beichen's hand tightly, and Lu Beichen's arms tightly wrapped around An Ning's body to prevent her from slipping to the ground.

"Yes, I will." Lu Beichen comforted An Ning, but his eyes were as worried as Lu Ye's.

After an unknown amount of time, the screaming inside finally ended, and the light gradually dissipated.

The hearts of the three of them began to hang again, staring at the movement in the aperture.

When the light gradually disappeared, the three saw only one person standing inside, and that was Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu's appearance seemed to have changed a little, as if he was much younger. Standing with An Ning, he looked more like sisters than mother and daughter.

And Bai Jiujiu felt as if her hearing had been reborn, which made her ecstatic.

She can finally hear all kinds of sounds without wearing a hearing aid.

It's just that he was a little uncomfortable for a while, dizzy and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Lu Ye quickly helped him over.

"Mom!" An Ning ran over immediately, hugging Bai Jiujiu tightly. Fortunately, she almost thought she was going to lose her mother.

Bai Jiujiu stroked An Ning lovingly, "Mom is here, I'm fine, don't cry."

"What's the matter with mother? Where's Ah Zhen?" Lu Beichen asked.

Bai Jiujiu shook his head, with a bit of doubt on his face: "I don't know, when I woke up, she was gone."

The three of them looked at each other, thinking that the scream must belong to Ah Zhen.

At this time, Bai Jiujiu's memory has all been restored, including the memory sealed by Di Kongxuan before, as well as the awakening of energy.

He also fully understood what was written in Si Yin's notebook.

"I have a way to save your father." Bai Jiujiu was holding on to the torn pages, all about Bai Jiujiu, his soul-changing formation, and the awakening formation Law.

An Ning said happily: "Really? Will our family be reunited in this way?"

Bai Jiujiu paused for a moment: "I'm not sure, but I can give it a try."

Bai Jiujiu saw that the blood curse that could be lifted was written on these papers. This formation seemed to be a combination of soul-changing and awakening double formations.

She wasn't sure if it would work, but that was the only way to do it at the moment.

Otherwise, Lu Sichen is not normal at all now, and there is no other way at the moment, but he can only treat a dead horse like a living horse.

And where Ah Zhen went, no one paid any attention.

After all, the safety of your family is the most important thing.

Bai Jiujiu and the three of them began to prepare, using blood to draw the same talisman array as on the paper. In fact, the hearts of several people were disturbed, after all, everything at present was unimaginable to them.

But there was nothing else to do.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't trust her completely, and she chose to conceal her matters.

All she wanted now was to bring Lu Sichen back to his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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