Chapter 1198

It was the night of the full moon again, everything was ready, Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen stood in the talisman formation, cut open Lu Sichen's arm with a knife,
Blood flowed down Lu Sichen's arm, the talisman array was the same as before, and the bloody moonlight enveloped Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen.

An Ning grabbed Lu Beichen's arm nervously, worried that her mother would disappear like A Zhen.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen and leaned her head against his chest. She was not nervous at all. As long as Lu Sichen was around, Bai Jiujiu would not feel afraid.

Bai Jiujiu gradually lost sight of her eyes, and Lu Sichen who was beside her disappeared, as if she was in another dimension.

"Husband, husband? Lu Sichen, Lu Sichen!" Bai Jiujiu cried out in fear, she was worried that Lu Sichen would disappear like A Zhen, if so, she would go crazy.

"Where are you? Answer me quickly, I'm afraid! I don't want to lose you, don't!"

Bai Jiujiu ran and shouted angrily, but there was still no response. She squatted on the ground, sobbing softly.

"Where are you? Don't scare me, come out quickly, didn't you say you would always be by my side, didn't you say you want me to wait for you, didn't you say you would never leave me, didn't you say you wouldn't lie to me? Then come out, come out and let me see you!"

Bai Jiujiu shouted angrily, but there was still no response.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Jiujiu heard a voice.

"Long time."

It seemed to be Lu Sichen's voice.

"Husband, is that you? Where are you? I'm here, husband, I'm here!" Bai Jiujiu shouted.

A dazzling light suddenly magnified countless times, everyone closed their eyes at the same time, and when they opened their eyes, Bai Jiujiu was already in Lu Sichen's arms.

Bai Jiujiu looked up and saw Lu Sichen looking at her with a cold smile on his lips.

Bai Jiujiu thought it was a dream, and pouted himself lightly, it hurts!

Not a dream!
Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen fiercely: "Husband!"

At the same time, Lu Sichen hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly.

An Ning shed tears of happiness when she saw this scene.

A rare smile also appeared in Lu Beichen's eyes, and he held An Ning's hand tightly.

Only Lu Ye, after the joy, was deeply sad, and he left alone.

When everyone reacted, Lu Ye was no longer there.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu was not at ease, Lu Sichen immediately arranged for someone to look for him, and comforted him in a cold voice: "He should be fine when he grows up."

Bai Jiujiu nodded.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but she always feels that Lu Sichen is very gentle, the gentleness in her eyes drips water.

It's not as cold and sharp as before, but there is a familiar coldness in the voice.

"What's wrong? Staring at me like that?" Lu Sichen said.

Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen tightly: "I feel like I'm dreaming. I'm worried that I'll wake up from the dream and lose you again."

Lu Sichen lightly scratched Bai Jiujiu's nose and said, "Fool, I will always be by your side and accompany you forever, and I won't go anywhere in the future."

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback.

An Ning watched her parents throw dog food like this and directly drag Lu Beichen away. If she didn't leave, her mouth would be so sore that she could hardly eat anything.

Lu Beichen didn't refuse. Anyway, An Ning pulled him to do something, so he followed suit.

But An Ning did not see that in Lu Beichen's eyes, he was also full of doting towards her, which made others envious.

(End of this chapter)

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