Chapter 1203

He couldn't help taking the line, took the initiative to hold An Ning's hand, and said with a smile: "An Ning, I didn't expect that we are really destined. Ying'er has been worried about you. Now that you are fine, he should be relieved, right Ying'er?"

When Tianying heard her mother talking about him, she immediately said, "Yes, yes, yes, I'm worried about you."

Three black lines slid across the back of Phantom's head, who will save his stupid son!

An Ning couldn't help laughing and said, "Thank you, I'm fine, Mom, they saved me before."

"Really?" Bai Jiujiu was a little surprised.

Phantom said the matter once more and said, "Is this fate?"

After hearing this, Bai Jiujiu said, "It's really fate!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding.

An Ning didn't notice it, she glanced at Tianying, and she didn't have a bad impression of him, he didn't talk much, but he seemed quite down-to-earth, anyway, she didn't hate him.

"I remember everything. I remember that you used to follow Brother Beichen's buttocks when you were young."

"Really? I don't remember." Tianying scratched her hair: "I think you have changed a lot."

"Huh?" An Ning stroked her face and said, "Am I getting ugly?"

"No, you look better than before."

"So I used to be ugly?"

"Ah, no no no, that's not what I mean, I mean you've always been good-looking."

An Ning burst out laughing, this reaction is really cute.

Bai Jiujiu and Phantom watched the two of them chatting, An Ning smiled so happily, they were both happy with each other.

Phantom didn't expect her son to be a fool, if he could marry An Ning, she would be quite satisfied.

Both Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen are so good, and Lu Sichen is her eldest brother, so her daughter is naturally not far behind.

If her son married An Ning, then her grandson's genes must be stronger and smarter!
Lu Beichen looked at An Ning and Tian Ying chatting and laughing, his chest was filled for no reason.

Seeing the four of them sitting happily in the living room made Lu Beichen feel out of place, so he quietly went out.

Seeing Lu Beichen go out, An Ning lost her mind.

"Mom, I want to go out for a while."

Bai Jiujiu didn't speak immediately, and Phantom said: "Tianying hasten to accompany An Ning, it's dangerous for a girl to go out, you have to protect her, lest she get hurt like last time."

"Okay." Tianying couldn't wait for it.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "That's really hard work for Tianying."

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Tianying waved a bit shyly.

An Ning was afraid that Lu Beichen would not be able to catch up with him if he went too far away, so he ran out immediately, but he was still slow, and he couldn't see any figure of Lu Beichen.

"What are you looking for?" Sky Shadow asked.

"Did you see Brother Beichen? You saw him go out just now."

Tianying was stunned for a moment, and looked around to see if there was any figure: "It seems that there is no one."

An Ning frowned: "Where will Brother Beichen go?"

"Try calling him."

"That's right." An Ning called, but the other party didn't answer.

Seeing An Ning's anxiety, Tian Ying immediately comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll accompany you to find it."

I don't know why seeing An Ning care about Lu Beichen so much, he got a little bit of a taste.

But thinking that Lu Beichen is An Ning's elder brother, so he is also his elder brother. He must please the relationship, otherwise how could he marry An Ning.

If Phantom knew that her son thought this way, she would be insane with joy.

Who said her son was stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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