Chapter 1204

Tianying originally wanted to accompany An Ning on a date, but she didn't expect Lu Beichen to accompany her all day long.

Tianying looked at An Ning's worried face and couldn't help but said, "An Ning, Brother Beichen is not a child anymore, you don't have to worry so much."

An Ning looked frustrated: "Of course I know he's not a child, but I just felt bad when I saw him go out without saying hello."

Tianying didn't understand, and thought that An Ning just had a crush on his brother, so he said, "Brother Beichen probably has already returned home at this time?"

An Ning thought for a while, yes, so she stood up and said, "Then I'll go back."

I just walked a few steps and looked at Tianying standing there, a little at a loss, and suddenly thought that I might be a little too much?

So he walked to Tianying and said, "Why don't we finish eating outside, and you take me home, I'll treat you to a treat, thank you for messing around with me all day today."

Tianying didn't think that as long as she was with An Ning, it didn't matter if she messed around like this every day.

An Ning looked at Tianying and didn't eat, and stared at herself wonderingly: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"You look good." Tianying replied as a matter of course.

Being praised so directly, An Ning's face blushed involuntarily.

An Ning did not speak, and Tian Ying silently followed behind An Ning without speaking.

The awkward atmosphere before slowly dissipated.

As An Ning was walking, she suddenly found a little girl squatting on the side of the road, about five or six years old, with long hair and some tattered clothes.

When An Ning passed by, she suddenly stopped for no reason, and couldn't help but look at the little girl more, looking at her slightly frozen purple arms, feeling a little distressed.

"Little sister, why are you sitting here? What about your family?" An Ning couldn't help asking.

The little girl raised her head and met An Ning's eyes, An Ning couldn't help being slightly stunned.

The girl's eyes were gray, An Ning was startled, the girl turned out to be blind.

This made An Ning feel more sympathetic. Judging from her situation, she must have been abandoned by her parents.

An Ning asked the girl a lot of questions, but the girl just looked at her quietly and didn't speak.

An Ning glanced at Tianying: "What to do, it's not good to let such a little girl stay outside."

Tianying looked at An Ning's distressed expression, and immediately said: "It's okay, my family can take her in." It's just raising a child, there is no problem at all, as long as An Ning likes it.

Tianying reached out to touch the girl.

The little girl immediately hid behind An Ning, looking very afraid of him.

Tianying's outstretched hand fell through, and a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face.

An Ning also saw that the little girl was afraid of him, so she said, "Don't be afraid, this little brother is not a bad person."

An Ning stretched out her hand and said, "Why don't you go home with me."

The little girl looked up at An Ning, and An Ning noticed her eyes. This little girl is so pitiful, she can't see her.

When those little hands were in An Ning's, An Ning couldn't help shivering, the little girl's hands were really cold.

An Ning couldn't help but take off her coat and put it on for the little girl.

Tianying immediately put her coat on An Ning.

An Ning smiled at Tian Ying, but did not refuse.

Tianying stared blankly at An Ning's smile, she smiled so cutely.

So the two looked for Beichen for a day, and finally brought back a little girl.

When An Ning went back, Bei Chen didn't come home.

(End of this chapter)

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