Chapter 1214

Bai Jiujiu still didn't dare to look at him, "I, I, I, I don't know."

Si Yin was a bit surprised, he thought Bai Jiujiu would directly reject him!
The original anger and jealousy also dissipated.

"Okay, I'll save him."

Only then did Bai Jiujiu meet his gaze.

Si Yin suddenly smiled: "I thought you would always avoid me, but when you heard that I saved him, did you fall in love with me again?"

Bai Jiujiu was silent.

"Actually, I can't save him, but I can release that one, but if this is the case, I'm afraid I will die soon."

Bai Jiujiu remained silent.

"Don't you have anything to say to me before you leave?"

Bai Jiujiu was silent except for silence.

Si Yin couldn't help sighing, "Forget it, although the days with you are short, I am content."

The moment Si Yin turned around, Bai Jiujiu suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

Si Yin stopped in his tracks, looked at Bai Jiujiu and lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

"You don't have to..." Si Yin paused for a moment before saying: "You should really feel guilty, Bai Jiujiu, don't forget that my life is for you, you should remember me, remember me for the rest of my life!"

That's right, he didn't want Bai Jiujiu to forget him so quickly. He also paid for her and worked hard for her. Even though she never loved him, he still wanted to have a place in her heart.

Bai Jiujiu bit her lip, it was obvious that she didn't feel well.

Si Yin didn't look at her again, he was worried that he couldn't bear to leave again.

Si Yin walked up to Sisi and said, "You have the energy to purify the spirit, but you are too young to do it now."

Si Yin put his hand on Sisi's head: "It turns out that you are her descendant. It's great, they have your life to continue..."

Si Yin seemed to draw a spell on Sisi.

"This is a present for you."

Sisi looked bewildered.

After that, Si Yin stood in front of Bai Jiujiu very quickly, holding a knife in his hand and said, "Don't be afraid, a little blood will be released on you, and the process may be very painful. If you don't make him feel your danger, even if you lose He won't wake up even if I imprison him."

"Goodbye." Si Yin kissed Bai Jiujiu on the forehead.

Before he came back to his senses, Bai Jiujiu only felt a pain in his hand, and then passed out.

In the darkness, she seemed to hear the sound of blood dripping. Is this another dream?

Bai Jiujiu was not sure, but she had been here before, and walked in the direction of her previous dream.

This time she saw Lu Sichen with his long hair tied up again, but he was not wrapped in thorn vines, he just lay there quietly.

Could this be the Emperor Xuankong they were talking about?
She thought it was Lu Sichen, but she should have seen him before.

The two are really carved out of the same mold, but their personalities are different.

Bai Jiujiu thought that Sisi and Si Yin had said that as long as he woke up, he could save Lu Sichen.

So now is her only hope.

Bai Jiujiu patted the man's face lightly: "Quick, wake up, wake up quickly."

But no matter how much she tossed the other party, she still didn't wake up.

How can you sleep like this?

Bai Jiujiu pursed his lips.

One of her arms had begun to feel numb, and Sisi's cry came from her ear, and she felt that she had to wake him up quickly.

Otherwise, if he didn't wake up, she might die herself!

But no matter what method Bai Jiujiu used, he couldn't wake him up.

How did you sleep so deeply?
Like a dead pig!
(End of this chapter)

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