Chapter 1215

Bai Jiujiu was very helpless, she felt very tired, she sat next to the man, poked his face and said: "Wake up, if you don't wake up, I might not be able to hold on anymore.

Looking at that person's face, Bai Jiujiu seemed to have hallucinations, as if Lu Sichen was smiling at her.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but kissed her, but the other party still didn't wake up.

"Didn't it say that with the princess's kiss, the prince would wake up? Sure enough, fairy tales are all lies."

Bai Jiujiu's eyelids were fighting and she was getting more and more tired, so she closed her eyes.

Di Kongxuan suddenly opened his eyes, seeing Bai Jiujiu leaning on his side, he couldn't help sighing.

The tip of his slender hand gently tapped the center of Bai Jiujiu's eyebrows, and the white light slowly penetrated into her body.

Bai Jiujiu slowly opened her eyes, she was in a trance for a moment, she hugged Dikongxuan suddenly: "I knew I knew you couldn't bear me, I knew you would come back, that's great, That's great."

Di Kongxuan didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to have such a reaction. He stroked her back, following her emotions.

After Bai Jiujiu woke up, he immediately pushed Di Kongxuan away: "Why are you? Where's Lu Sichen? Where's my husband? Where is he?"

"Yes, yes, can you revive him? They all said that you can revive him. Did you let me wake you up just to revive him?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

Di Kongxuan shook his head, his voice was ethereal: "I can't bring it back to life."

"What did you say? Aren't you very powerful? Why? Why?" Bai Jiujiu looked at Di Kongxuan in disbelief, "Then why did you ask me to wake you up?"

Di Kongxuan obviously didn't want to say too much, but his palms covered Bai Jiujiu's eyebrows, and Bai Jiujiu suddenly saw many, many pictures.

It is not an exaggeration to use the words of living beings to paint charcoal.

"This, what is this?" Bai Jiujiu looked at the pattern in front of him like a slideshow, and the real picture felt like being there.

"That's why you woke me up."

Bai Jiujiu looked surprised: "You mean it was done by Si Yin, isn't it impossible? He has such a great ability?"

"I don't know if it's him. I only know that the source of the current crisis is only him. It's too late for me to wake up."

Bai Jiujiu frowned, this has nothing to do with her, even if the world is destroyed, she doesn't care, she only cares about one person.

"Lu Sichen, I want Lu Sichen to wake up, I beg you to help me!" Bai Jiujiu knelt on the ground, begging Di Kongxuan, they all said he could, but if he said no, then she What hope?

Di Kongxuan looked at Bai Jiujiu, like her but not like her.

She is so sympathetic to the common people, not as ruthless as her.

"I can't help you, I can't feel him, he's dead."

Di Kongxuan's words were like thunder, and Bai Jiujiu couldn't face such a result.

"If he's not here, I... just let him go."

Di Kongxuan didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to be so staunch at all, and his temperament was exactly the same as hers.

Di Kongxuan took back Bai Jiujiu's scattered spirit, "Even if you die, he won't come back."

"So what, I don't want to live without him."

Di Kongxuan looked at Bai Jiujiu with blank eyes, that's all.

"It's not impossible."

When Bai Jiujiu heard that Di Kongxuan had hope, his eyes lit up involuntarily!
(End of this chapter)

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