Chapter 1216

Bai Jiujiu asked: "What way?"

Di Kongxuan said: "Actually, it's not difficult to say it's difficult, and it's not easy to say it's simple, but are you sure you can die for him?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded without hesitation: "As long as he can come back alive, I can do anything."

Di Kongxuan said lightly: "Although I cannot interfere with matters of life and death, I can weave dreams."

Bai Jiujiu was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's that I can't resurrect him, but I can let you see him."

Bai Jiujiu paused for a moment: "Then the person I saw was him?"

"Of course it's him, but..." Dikongxuan paused.

"It's just what?" Bai Jiujiu was in a state of panic, why did this man keep talking in half!

Can't you finish it in one breath?
Di Kongxuan glanced at Bai Jiujiu and said, "It's just that even if it's a dream I made up, in order to make it impossible for you to destroy it, that is to increase safety, I will change your memory, are you willing?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't quite understand: "If I change my memory and forget about him, how can I be with him?"

Di Kongxuan said with a faint smile: "Don't worry about it, you will be pulled together unconsciously, but you will forget who you are, this is just a dream after all, but if you die in the dream, or wake up , then I can no longer help you.

A dream can only be dreamed once, you die slowly in this dream, maybe you will meet him again after death, all I can do is to see him in your long years.

If so, are you willing? "

Bai Jiujiu didn't understand at all, she just said: "Just let me see him."

This is Bai Jiujiu's only purpose.

"Well, I do what you wish, but I still need a sacrificial soul."

"What!" Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that he just entered a dream, why did he need to pay homage to his soul?

"Where can I find a soul for you?"

Di Kongxuan waved his sleeves and said, "Don't look for it, there is a ready-made soul here."

The appearance of Sisi immediately appeared in front of Bai Jiujiu, and Bai Jiujiu asked, "What will happen to Sisi if there is a sacrifice?"

"Will never exist."

"No!" Bai Jiujiu directly refused, she couldn't do this: "Sisi, my granddaughter, I can't trade my granddaughter's life, if so, I'd rather not!"

Bai Jiujiu couldn't make his daughter sad.

Di Kongxuan said: "She will eventually die, and die before she takes shape. This is her fate. When you see her now, it's just that I have transformed her grown-up shape. In fact, she didn't live like this." long."

Bai Jiujiu understood, that is, his daughter's first child could not be kept, which caused Bai Jiujiu to have mixed feelings.

Sisi took Bai Jiujiu's hand and said, "I'm fine, I don't mind, I'm willing to do this."

Seeing Sisi's cute appearance, Bai Jiujiu still couldn't bear it.

Dikongxuan said: "I don't have much time, if you don't make a choice, then even if you regret it, it will be useless."

Bai Jiujiu was confused for a moment.

But Sisi didn't give Bai Jiujiu a choice, she directly dispersed her soul and entwined it around Dikongxuan's fingertips.

Di Kongxuan glanced at Bai Jiujiu and said, "Since she has already made a choice, what about you? Are you going to give up?"

Bai Jiujiu's tears fell quietly, in that case, she could only accept it.

Di Kongxuan pointed his finger on Bai Jiujiu's forehead, a white light shone, gradually devouring everything...

(End of this chapter)

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