Chapter 1219

If it is one day, three days, ten days...

After a full hundred days, she woke up again from her deep sleep.

The surrounding water is still colorful, proving that she has not left the Dan River.

The pain in the body still exists, but fortunately it has eased a little, and it is no longer unbearable.

What made her even more delighted was that a blue nebula had appeared in her originally empty dantian, like clouds and mist, intertwined strand by strand, forming a mysterious pattern.

It is the dantian of the innate early stage!
At the same time, she felt two completely different forces in her body.

One of the powers, in the innate blue spiritual power, mixed with light silver spiritual energy, is the symbol of the spirit race, and it is also the foundation of her innate initial cultivation base.

And another force, dormant under the dantian, shrank into a dark green water drop pattern, which even she couldn't understand.

However, Duanmuyi vaguely felt that maybe she suddenly changed from a waste without spiritual roots to a cultivator at the innate stage, which was inseparable from the thing with the water drop pattern.

She couldn't practice at the beginning, maybe it was because of this thing.

Now that she was tossed by the power of Danhe, it might have produced some bone-cutting and marrow-washing effects, which made her transform.

After a hundred days of torture, she has completely absorbed the memories of the original owner, and she fully knows what kind of continent she is in now, and she has quickly set a direction and goals for herself.

She, Xiaoyi in the past, Duanmuyi now, a top killer who is second to none, has always been very clear about what she wants to do.

Now, facing a completely unfamiliar place, she must first improve her strength.

Duanmuyi has always believed in one sentence - the strong wins.

Although I don't know why I have stepped into the innate realm, but...

A trace of blood flashed in her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up coldly, Duanmu Xiaoxiao, just wait!

Suddenly, there was a splash on the water above, as if someone had fallen into the water.

She raised her eyes slowly, and saw a shadow above her, and a bloody smell poured into her nose.

She floated up in silence, moved a little further away, and poked her head out.

In the misty water, only a red shadow could be seen moving in the air, and the gorgeous spiritual power scattered like fireworks.

She blinked and was stunned—purple spiritual power?

In her memory, there was no mention of this color of spiritual power.

And around that shadow, there were more than a dozen men in black besieging it.

But no matter how cunningly the man in black made his move, he was just shot into the water by the red shadow in the end.

Her eyes didn't move for a moment, only staring at the red shadow.

Such a profound cultivation method, such a strange color of spiritual power, who is this person?

The water in the Dan River was affected by the spiritual power, and the water mist was continuously blasted.

However, the number of men in black kept decreasing, falling into the water one by one, being corroded by the water of the Dan River, and turned into nothingness.

In the end, the red shadow finally stopped, his long hair fluttered, his sleeves fluttered in the wind, and after the water mist dispersed, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Duanmuyi.

The man's face was full of brilliance, his lips were as bright as hibiscus flowers in full bloom, and his red clothes were drenched by water mist, sticking to his body, revealing half of his chest, and his waistline was exactly like the most beautiful sculpture in the world.

The light in his eyes was like shattered stars, revealing a sharp edge, which turned into nothingness in an instant, condensing into his eyes.

It was obvious that he had already started killing, but he still fell like the wind like a cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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