Chapter 1220

"Have you seen enough?" His voice was clear and flawless, with a rising end, showing a little laziness.

murderous look!
As a top killer, Duanmu Yi immediately felt the murderous intent in the man's eyes.

Moreover, she knew that she was definitely not his opponent.

Duanmuyi stepped back a little, his brows drooping slightly: "I didn't see it on purpose."

"It wasn't on purpose, it was on purpose." The man jumped into the water, curled his lips, and smiled coldly, "People who see this have only one fate, and that is death."

But at an angle that Duanmuyi couldn't see, he hooked his fingers slightly and inserted a silver needle into his Zhigou acupoint.

There is poison in his body, if he delays any longer, he is afraid that he will reveal his secrets.

At this moment, Duanmuyi could clearly feel that his breath was completely locked on him.

If she dared to make any changes, she would end up the same as those corpses that disappeared in the Dan River.

"If you don't want people to see, why don't you find a place where there is no one to kill you?" Duanmu asked not to be outdone.

Di Kongxuan raised his eyelids and smiled, but the smile revealed a cold and aggressive look: "I want to kill people, so do I need to choose a place?"

"Then you shouldn't be afraid of being seen."

When has Di Kongxuan been talked back like this before, his arms stretched out, his five fingers turned into claws, clasping her slender neck: "Of course I'm not afraid of being seen, because everyone who sees is dead."

The neck was strangled, and Duanmuyi suffocated for breath, subconsciously condensed the spiritual energy in his palm, and slapped him on the chest.

However, she couldn't hide this little movement from Di Kongxuan, he just clapped his hands lightly, and broke her wrist bone.

Severe pain came from his wrist, but Duanmuyi just frowned slightly.

This pain is nothing compared to before.

"It seems that you really don't want to live anymore." Di Kongxuan's eyes had already revealed murderous intent.

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth fiercely.

After finally surviving, he met such a monstrous evildoer who regards human life as worthless!

"If you want to kill, kill, so much nonsense!" Duanmuyi said, turning his head away.

As soon as Dikongxuan's palm moved, he penetrated into her body.

He has seen this kind of stubborn woman a lot, and in the end, they always beg for mercy obediently?
The spiritual power penetrated from the meridians, and the feeling was like ants gnawing on it, which was unbearable.

Duanmuyi's complexion also changed a little, and sweat oozes from his forehead.

However, in the next second, the Dan Li in the Dan River suddenly rushed over, pushing Di Kongxuan away a little, and rushed into Duan Muyi's body frantically.

In almost a moment, Di Kongxuan found that he had lost control of that spiritual power.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a stern look flashed across his narrow eyes—what's going on!

Duanmuyi also immediately noticed this change, glanced at Dikongxuan, and immediately stepped on the water to escape.

This person is too dangerous, she can't see through it at all, it's better to stay far away.

Unexpectedly, Di Kongxuan came to her again in the blink of an eye, pressed her shoulder with his palm, and removed her two arms before she was about to resist.

Duanmu's face turned pale from the pain, but he could only watch helplessly as he reached out and tore off his clothes.


Duanmuyi never thought that this handsome man would act so frivolously.

Take off your clothes if you disagree.

Di Kongxuan's eyes glanced at the little bun she was about to develop, and said with a sneer: "I have seen too many women, and I still can't see you like this."

Duanmuyi immediately retorted: "I have seen too many men, you are the most shameless!"

(End of this chapter)

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