Chapter 1221

"Really?" Di Kongxuan raised his brows, revealing a murderous smile, "That young master is truly honored!"

The colorful water in the Dan River set off her pink and white complexion, which really has a special charm.

In particular, the fragrance emanating from her body, which seemed to be the fragrance of a young girl, almost made his self-control that he was so proud of almost out of control.

But Di Kongxuan would never admit it.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on her heart.

rely on it!How dare he touch her! ! !
Duanmuyi was extremely ashamed and indignant, wishing he could cut this monster in front of him into pieces!

Seeing that he looks like a dog, I didn't expect him to be such a shameless person!
Di Kongxuan's expression was slightly surprised, but the internal organs in her body were in a mess, and they might rupture and die anytime, anywhere.

Then probed into her heart, and found that she possessed the most refined and pure blood!

And this essence and blood is the only medicine he can detoxify!

Interesting, I just come to Danhe for detoxification regularly, but I didn't expect such a big discovery this time.

Such a person, he must stay by his side.

"Want to live?" he asked.

Duanmu stared at him viciously, without saying a word.

Di Kongxuan didn't care about her hostility, and said calmly: "Stay by my side, and I will let you survive and become the top powerhouse in the mainland."

"Stay by your side until I kill you?" Duanmuyi retorted.

"As long as you can do it, I'll be there anytime."

As Dikongxuan said, he stretched out his hand without fumes, and after two clicks, he connected her arm,

Stretching out her hand again, a wave of spiritual power wrapped around her broken wrist bone, and the pain eased slightly.

Duanmu gritted his teeth, but she was not his opponent at all!

Di Kongxuan added another sentence: "I'm not negotiating terms with you now, either stay by my side or die now, you choose one yourself?"

Duanmu's face turned red with anger, but his reason was still there.

She can't die.

"Do I have any other choice?" She sneered and reluctantly agreed.

Di Kongxuan raised his chin towards her neckline and asked: "Then answer me one more question.

Why did people from the Duanmu family of the Lingzu appear here? "

Following his gaze, Duanmuyi saw the imprint on his neckline, his eyes were bloodshot, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and ruthlessly tore off the piece of fabric on the neckline.

"I'm not from the Duanmu family." She threw the cloth into the water, her eyebrows frosted, "I'm here because one day, I'm going to flatten the Duanmu family!"

Since she borrowed this body to use and was reborn in this other world, she must seek justice for the original owner of the body.

Duanmu's family killed her parents and younger brother, threw her into the Dan River, and was tortured for a hundred days. How could she forget this "love" as a person who must avenge her revenge!

Di Kongxuan curled his lips slightly, he already had a plan in mind.

"Wait for me for half an hour." He said, retreated a little, and then began to meditate in the water.

Duanmuyi discovered that the mixed spiritual power in the Dan River started to rush towards his body.

But at this moment, his slanting thick eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his complexion turned pale.

The more time passed, the more she found that this person's breath was abnormally disordered.

Suddenly, Di Kongxuan opened his eyes, and a strange golden light flashed in his eyes.

He caught a glimpse of Duanmu Yi at Hou Zai's side, and the toxin that was about to move in his body shook his mind.

The fragrance emanating from Duanmuyi's body penetrated into the tip of his nose.

(End of this chapter)

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