Chapter 1222

It was the aroma of essence and blood, and it was his antidote!
Before Duanmuyi could react, he fell into Dikongxuan's arms.

She opened her mouth to scream, but the man had already sealed her lips.

The cold lips pressed together tightly, and Di Kongxuan gradually stabilized as if he had been sedated.

But the more he was like this, the more reluctant to let go of the person in his arms.

Duanmuyi was held in his arms by his pair of iron arms, unable to move at all, and being so frivolous by him, a shameful hatred appeared on his face.

She was about to struggle, but was hit by his fist on the lower abdomen, causing her to open her mouth in pain, just giving him another chance to attack.

His whole body was cold, even his tongue was cold.

When he got into her mouth, Di Kongxuan felt extremely warm, which made him reluctant to let go.

The next second, he suddenly froze.

Looking down, Duanmuyi's palm was pressed against his heart, and the spiritual energy in his palm could destroy his heart in just a moment.

Just now he was so forgetful that he lost his vigilance.

Finally let go by him, Duanmuyi looked at him coldly, his murderous intent was no less than his.

"If you have this idea, then kill me as soon as possible!"

If she couldn't take revenge in this life, she turned into a ghost, and wanted the Duanmu family and the man in front of her to sleep peacefully!

Di Kongxuan was also a little annoyed by his emotions - he had always possessed strong self-control, but facing her today, he completely collapsed.

The toxins in his body must have affected him.

He secretly clenched his fists, and when he looked up, he was already indifferent: "If you want to become a top powerhouse, you must first take care of your internal organs."

Knowing his physical condition, Duanmuyi saw that he had calmed down, so he also took a deep breath, and slowly suppressed the anger in his heart.

The most urgent task is to improve one's cultivation!

Di Kongxuan waved his sleeves and left, Duanmuyi had no choice but to follow closely behind.

I kept looking around, lamenting the beauty of the scenery and the fresh air.

As if at this moment, she really came alive.

After walking for a long time, Duanmuyi saw a chic wooden house.

Built by the river, half of the edge is empty, and white gauze hangs on all sides to block the cold wind.

Although the decoration is simple, it also took a lot of thought.

From the tea cups placed on the tea table, it can be seen that the owner of the house must be exquisite in every way.

Di Kongxuan entered the room, took out a half-worn cotton robe and handed it to her: "Put it on, and follow me."

"Where to go?"

"Don't ask, you'll know when you go." Di Kongxuan seemed unwilling to say a word to her, so he turned and walked outside.

After experiencing what happened in the Dan River, Duanmuyi didn't want to pay attention to him, and with a soft snort, he went into the room and took off his wet clothes, and put on a clean cotton robe.

Following Di Kongxuan into the mountains, bypassing the bamboo forest, and crossing a hanging bridge, two towering stone pagodas appeared in front of them.

Three large characters are engraved on the stone tower - Jialan tribe.

There is a spiral staircase, and the Jialan people with weapons are patrolling in an orderly manner.

Behind the stone tower is a spacious square.

The square is a giant gossip map, and the avenue is vaguely hidden on the stone bricks.

Walking through the square and up the 77 steps, you will see a grand hall.

Di Kongxuan was obviously familiar with the way here, he walked around to the right, passed several side halls, walked through a dense bamboo forest, and walked into a small three-story building.

"Don't talk later, just wait quietly." Di Kongxuan ordered, and showed a jade tablet towards the guard, who saluted and let him and Duanmuyi in.

(End of this chapter)

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