Chapter 1223

The construction of this small building is inconspicuous compared to other palaces and pavilions.

Duanmuyi can vaguely feel that this small building is not simple, there seems to be restrictions around it, and there is plenty of spiritual power.

After going up to the third floor, I vaguely heard someone say: "...If so, the little girl will have to be taken care of by Patriarch Jiang."

Another gentle voice replied in a clear and shallow way: "Patriarch Duanmu is polite, Lingqianjin's injury is not serious, and it will take at least three to five days to recover."

Duanmuyi's whole body was stiff, and he froze at the stairs.

Patriarch Duanmu... Ling Qianjin... Duanmu Xiaoxiao!
She didn't expect that they would meet again so soon!

Looking back, Di Kongxuan saw blood in her eyes, veins throbbing in the corner of her forehead, and her hand holding the railing was so hard that the railing made of fine agarwood was almost crushed by her.

And the cold murderous aura emanating from her made him startled.

He stretched out his hand and gently placed it on the back of Duanmuyi's hand: "Let's go."

Duanmuyi raised her eyes and bumped into his eyes, like floating ice and shattered snow, her heart suddenly became clear.

Yes, she has to be calm, the number one secret of a killer is not to lose her mind as soon as she sees the target.

This can only fail, not succeed.

Even if the target person is her enemy, she must restrain her emotions.

She has plenty of time and is not in a hurry.

The tribe went in to report, and soon came to invite the two of them in.

The window in the room was open, and there was a gentle breeze. There were three people sitting in front of the window, and they all looked back at this moment.

One of them was a man in a blue robe, he looked only 30 or [-] years old, but his temples were stained with hoarfrost.

The eyebrows are gentle, and the smile is light.

And the other two...

Di Kongxuan had already stepped forward, glanced at the two of them, and sat down beside him casually: "Any guests?"

Changjiang, a member of the Jialan tribe, looked suspiciously at Duanmuyi who followed him in, and said with a faint smile, "Let me introduce you, Duanmuhong, the patriarch of the Duanmu family, this is Duanmu Xiaoxiao."

Seeing that he didn't introduce Di Kongxuan, Duanmuhong was a little displeased, but he didn't want to lower himself to ask his name.

But Duanmu Xiaoxiao couldn't take his eyes off the moment Dikongxuan came in.

At this moment, she heard her softly ask: "Xiao Xiao has met the young master, but I don't know what the young master is called?"

Dikongxuan pulled Duanmuyi to sit beside him, poured tea by himself, and said casually, "Dikongxuan."

"So it's Mr. Kongxuan." Duanmu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, his eyes glanced at the girl beside him, but he didn't pay much attention.

Duanmuyi's appearance at this time had already been corroded in the Dan River, and the regrown skin changed her facial features.

It's normal for Duanmu Xiaoxiao not to recognize him at the moment.

However, Duanmu Xiaoxiao can ignore her, but she needs to brush up on her presence.

"The barking is very affectionate. People who don't know will think that Miss Duanmu has never seen a man." Duanmuyi raised his teacup and sneered.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao frowned, not knowing where he provoked this girl.

But I don't know if I don't know, if someone dares to provoke her, her young lady's temper will suddenly come up.

"Who are you that dare to be so presumptuous to me?"

"If I remember correctly, this is the place of the Jialan tribe, not your Duanmu family.

Everyone who comes is a guest, who can be nobler than whom?

Speaking of presumptuousness, Miss Duanmu blatantly seduces men, isn't she really presumptuous? "

Duanmuyi put down his teacup and looked up at her.

(End of this chapter)

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