Chapter 1226

The thorny vine attacked suddenly, but how could the thorny vine, which has never been intelligent, attack people on its own initiative?

There must be someone behind the scenes.

Di Kongxuan lazily leaned against the window, looking down with cold eyes, not paying attention to what the other party said.

"Young Master!" Since when has Duanmuhong been so ignored?Immediately unable to suppress his anger, he said in a deep voice, "I respect you as a friend of Patriarch Jiang, but you are not an incompetent person who allows you to insult me!
The little girl was injured, this girl—"

"She was injured, so what does it matter to me?" Di Kongxuan's eyes flashed golden, and his voice was frosty.

Duanmuyi looked up at him in surprise, and then smiled faintly - the feeling of having someone behind him is not bad.

Although this person wanted to kill her before, but now it seems that it is not so hateful.

"I heard that thorny vines are sensitive to dead spiders. Miss Duanmu's skirt, what is it?" She turned her head, showing a innocent smile, but her eyes were cold.

"Spider! Spider!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao found the dead poisonous spider on her skirt, screamed and pointed at Duanmuyi, "It's you——"

"What is it me?" Duanmuyi looked up at her.

As long as she dared to say that Duanmuyi threw the spider on her body, Duanmuyi was absolutely sure that she would be charged with intentional murder!

When Duanmuhong saw the spider and recognized it as the one raised by his daughter, he immediately had an idea.

He glared at Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and because he couldn't produce evidence, he stood still for a while, not knowing how to end it.

Jiang Su had seen enough of the show, walked over, smiled like a peacemaker, and said, "I have a good hibiscus ointment here, which is very good for women's skin.

Since Ling Qianjin wants to stay here to heal her wounds, why not heal the wounds on her face?
The girl had a scar on her face, but it wasn't very good. "

He has always been kind, as long as he doesn't provoke people, he will not take the initiative to offend others.

Duanmuhong felt more at ease with him, so he brought Duanmu Xiaoxiao here for medical treatment.

Otherwise, how could he dare to come here with the Jialan clan's rule that "medical seekers are not allowed to bring guards"?
Duanmu Xiaoxiao was afraid in his heart, he didn't want his appearance to be damaged, so he immediately begged and looked at Duanmuhong.

If she is disfigured, her happiness for the rest of her life will be ruined.

"Then we'll be bothering you for a few more days." Duanmu Hong clasped his fists with a sullen face, and then walked away quickly with Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

Looking at their backs, Duanmuyi slowly clenched his fists.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao, you ruined my appearance, hurt my life, killed my relatives, and ruined my happiness. I will remember everything in my heart.

Now, it's just a beginning.

We... have a long way to go.

"Miss Duanmu." Jiang Sui said, "If I'm not mistaken, did you use spiritual power to control the vine?"

Duanmuyi looked at his hands and shook his head slowly: "It's not controlling, it's calling."

"Summoning?" Jiang Sui glanced at Di Kongxuan with a cold face, and asked, "I've never heard of such a skill. Could it be an innate skill?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's not a natural skill, I can't say for sure now." Duanmuyi said.

This is just a line of words that automatically appeared in her mind after waking up in the Dan River - elementary skills, summoning.Summon all spirits and control the spirits with low intelligence for their own use.

"May I take your pulse?" Jiang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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