Chapter 1227

Duanmu stretched out his wrist.

After a while, Jiang Su raised his head: "Strange, I found two kinds of blood power in your body..."

"Look at the viscera first." Di Kongxuan felt that he was talking too much, so he interrupted him again.

Duanmuyi turned her head and glanced at Di Kongxuan—one of the two bloodline powers that Jiang Yi mentioned should be the spiritual power of the spirit race that made her cultivate now.

So the other kind, is it the small dark green water drop?
Why didn't Di Kongxuan let him continue?Is there something to hide from her?
"..." Jiang Yi said seriously, "Miss Duanmu, your viscera are in critical condition. You need acupuncture every day, and you can stabilize your injury after three months. But if you want to be cured, you need to gather all the five flavors of elixir. According to your From the perspective of internal organs, you still have three years."

Three years?
Duanmu couldn't help smiling wryly when he saw the names of the five flavors of elixir written down on the paper.

Grass lychee, stream bone, sand tree, xun grass, lavender grass.

One is more difficult to find than the other, and they are all top-level elixir with a price but no market.

"What will happen if you can't gather them all?" Duanmuyi asked casually, after all, she was not too sure.

"You should know that there will be nine catastrophic thunders at the gate of Yuanying's transformation into a god, and you can transform into a god after experiencing the thunder disaster." Jiang Yi said, "If the viscera cannot be cured, the tribulation thunder will descend.

If it is light, it will fail to transform into a god, and it will lose all its cultivation; if it is serious, it will lose its life. "

Duanmuyi lowered her eyes, thinking in her heart, revenge is imminent, how could she have so much time to find Qi Wuwei elixir.

Since it doesn't have much influence on her cultivation, she just doesn't want to transform into a god, and she will kill Duanmu's family when she reaches Yuanying.

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, saw what was going on in her heart, and said coldly: "You can find medicine as soon as you ask, don't try to take chances."

Duanmuyi looked at him with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"I let you stay by my side, not for a half-dead cripple." Di Kongxuan snorted coldly, "If you don't want to live, I can slap you to death right now."

Duanmu said: "..."

What more can she say?
—————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first—————

"Ah! Be gentle! Bastard, do you want to hurt me to death!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao was so angry that his eyes turned red, he raised his hand and slapped the maid who came to give her medicine.

The maid covered her face and looked at her in disbelief, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Seeing that she still dared to stare at him, Duanmu Xiaoxiao kicked at her: "It's against you, aren't you convinced?"

"Miss Duanmu, this is the Jialan tribe, please be careful with your words." The maid put down the medicine bottle and bowed in a neutral manner, "Since you feel the pain, you can do it yourself, this servant will leave."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao watched her turn and leave, pinched the quilt hard, her five fingers turned white.

Even a lowly maidservant dared to yell at her, all because of that woman!
Damn it, why wasn't she bitten to death by a spider, it's hard life!
"Xiao Xiao." Duanmuhong walked in, seeing that half of the medicine was on her face, he was stunned for a moment, "What's going on, where is the person who applied the medicine?"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao cried and threw himself into his arms: "The people of the Jialan tribe are so majestic, they even said to let their daughter do it by themselves. Dad, why don't you let Bixue come with you?"

Bixue is her personal maid, and she is also a person with ideas.

"The Jialan tribe has a rule that those who seek medical treatment are not allowed to bring maids and servants." Duanmuhong patted her on the shoulder and sighed, "Daddy will give you the medicine, will you? Good girl, don't cry."

After applying medicine to Duanmu Xiaoxiao and wrapping it in gauze, only a pair of eyes and a mouth remained on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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