Chapter 1228

"Is it the spider you released first today?" Duanmuhong asked after cleaning up.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao felt guilty, and looked at him: "It's really that woman is so hateful, she provoked us again and again. Dad, when did our Duanmu family become so useless?"

Duanmuhong snorted coldly: "I have sent a letter back to let the clan check to see if any clansmen outside have provoked anyone. That woman is not scary, what is scary is that Di Kongxuan."

"Di Kongxuan's cultivation is unfathomable, dad, what level is he in? Is he the same as you?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao asked.

"No, he has a higher level of cultivation than mine." Duanmuhong thought of the moment when he was locked in by his breath just now in the small building, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth in surprise, and she frowned in pain as she involved the wound on her face again: "Isn't that the Nascent Soul Realm? This is the same as the Third Grandpa's cultivation base."

"Xiao Xiao, this person should not be provoked, understand?" Duan Muhong looked at his daughter and warned.

—————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first—————

Leaving the small building, Jiang Sui asked a maid to take Duan Muyi to Guanlan Pavilion to rest, while he and Di Kongxuan walked towards the north.

"Duanmuyi is troublesome." Jiang Sui said bluntly.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Sui is an easy-talking person, as gentle as jade and personable.

But it would be a big mistake to treat him only as such a person.

Only those who really know him will know what kind of decisiveness is hidden in his smiling eyes.

——Anyone who is not good for him will be killed.

Di Kongxuan glanced at him, and said calmly: "You have checked your pulse, you should know why I kept her."

"Have you checked her identity?"

"I'm investigating."

"She and the Duanmu family..."

Di Kongxuan glanced at him, lowered his eyes, gently rubbed the material of the clothes with his index finger in his sleeve, and there was determination in his eyes: "You don't need to worry about it. She hates the Duanmu family so much, she can be used by me even more."

Jiang Sui clicked his tongue twice, pointed at him and said, "Beast."

"When I get rid of the poison, it will save you trouble." Di Kongxuan said calmly, but both of them knew that they had waited for 200 years to get rid of the poison.

Jiang Yi stopped and said seriously, "Is it just for the essence and blood?"

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Di Kongxuan turned his gaze away: "Her innate skills...can't be determined yet, let's look at it later."

He was not good at explaining, and he didn't like explaining. Fortunately, Jiang Yi knew him well, so he didn't ask any further.

"I heard that you were assassinated again? How many times is this? You don't plan to check?" Jiang Yi couldn't help asking.

Every time he goes through these things, he worries about him, but he looks like he's fine.

"So what if you find it, so what if you don't find it. Anyway, it's impossible to kill me with their spiritual power. You know what is the most important thing for me, so why bother with these little things."

Di Xuankong took a sip of tea, as if those assassinations were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Jiang Yi, of course knows the most important thing about Di Xuankong, he has only been waiting for one person for a hundred years, a woman who is the most important to Di Xuankong.

"Patriarch." A guard came over and handed a letter bird, "Someone sent a message, which was intercepted by us."

Jiang Yi took it, took out a roll of paper from Xinniao's foot, glanced at it, and handed it to Di Kongxuan.

Di Kongxuan glanced at the content on the paper, and held the paper in his hands, which meant to accept this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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