Chapter 1230

After chatting with Rhododendron for a while, the nearby spirits sensed her aura and greeted her one after another, and the whole garden was very lively for a while.

It was only then that Duanmuyi realized that he could communicate with spirit creatures without hindrance, and he knew what they were thinking with a single thought.

And the spiritual power emanating from the spiritual creature was inadvertently contaminated on her body and absorbed into her dantian.

She walked into a magnolia bush and stopped under a tree.

This tree is not a spiritual thing, it just blooms silently.

She took another step forward, and suddenly felt something strange in the top of her head. When she looked up, she saw the man sitting on the branch.

The flowers are as white as jade and fragrant. The person in the middle of the flowers is sitting with his knees bent. Half of the black double-breasted gown hangs down. Inside is a dark red tunic with a slightly open neckline, which is depicted with dark patterns.

The classic color system of red and black made his skin whiter like jade, his eyebrows and eyes like a demon.

The young master was born out of the dust and left the world.

Duanmuyi cursed evildoer secretly in his heart, turned his head and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" She wanted to pretend to ignore, but Di Kongxuan refused.

Seeing her practicing diligently these days, he didn't order her to do anything. Now it seems that she has forgotten her identity?

Duanmuyi couldn't pretend to be invisible anymore, so he simply turned his head and asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

"Don't you say hello when you see your savior?" Di Kongxuan changed his sitting position, perfectly explaining what it means to be 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

Duanmu glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and felt that his every move was impeccable.

However, she would never forget that it was such a character who could have broken her hand and killed her without saying a word.

The killer's survival rule-stay away from people who threaten your life.

She mechanically bent her lips into a smile, showing a paralyzed smile: "Hello, savior, goodbye, savior."

"Now the savior wants you to climb up." Di Kongxuan didn't have much patience, flicked his finger, and a qi blade landed at Duanmuyi's feet without any mistakes.

If she had turned her head and left just now, the air blade might have landed on her head mercilessly.

Duanmuyi took a deep breath and said dumbly, "I don't know how to climb trees."

Of course it's a lie that she can't climb trees. She has the feat of climbing [-] floors with her bare hands.

Di Kongxuan looked at her and sneered: "After so many days of practicing the exercises, you can't even fly with flying power. Are you a pig?"

Duanmuyi clenched her fists and secretly practiced the exercises. The spiritual energy came out from the dantian, supported her to fly up, and landed on the branch.

"Is the scenery up there particularly nice?" She implied that he was bored.

"Naturally, I can see it clearly." Dikong looked at her mysteriously.

"Are you spying on me?" Duanmu Yi turned cold.

Di Kongxuan slowly approached her, showing a faint smile: "I'm sitting here looking at it openly, why should I take a peek?"

"The gentleman on the beam is talking about you." Duanmuyi retorted.

Di Kongxuan lifted her chin, still smiling, but his eyes were already icy cold: "If you insist on arguing with me, I will regret saving you."

"Are you afraid that people will say you did it?
What did you do just now, if it wasn't a gentleman on Liang Shang? "Duanmuyi will naturally not be scared to the ground by his few words.

Di Kongxuan stretched out his thumb, and slowly brushed her lips: "Coincidentally, I like to do it, but I don't like others to talk about it.

Your mouth is so sharp, I wonder if I should train it—”

(End of this chapter)

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