Chapter 1231

Before he could finish his sentence, Duanmu Yi struck with his palm.

After all, this man dared to tease her!
With a palm, it clearly landed on his chest, but the phantom of the man in front of him dissipated, and his real body fell to the ground.

This is not a clone technique, but at that moment just now, Di Kongxuan's speed was so fast that an afterimage was left on the spot.

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth - he couldn't beat him, and his quick tongue seemed pale and weak.

Standing under the tree, Di Kongxuan looked up, with a trace of contempt on his brows: "Ten you are far from my opponent."

This was a naked provocation, Duanmuyi was not willing to give up, and immediately chased after him, filled with spiritual energy, the weeds in the garden began to grow wildly, trying to wrap around Dikongxuan's ankle.

It's just that her cultivation base is still shallow, at most she can threaten Duanmu Xiaoxiao, whoever is Di Kongxuan's opponent, she was subdued by Di Kongxuan in a single encounter.

And the boxing skills she was so proud of couldn't match Di Kongxuan's aura right now.

"Your life and your cultivation are all given to you by me.

If you don't want it, I will take it back at any time. "Di Kongxuan pinched her neck without exerting any force. It looked more like a caress, and his tone was leisurely but threatening, "At that time, no one will avenge you. "

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth and was defeated again.

There were footsteps not far away, followed by Duanmu Xiaoxiao's voice: "I'll just walk in the garden, you don't need to accompany me."

"Miss Duanmu, the injury on your face is not healed yet, it's best not to touch some flowers." Immediately afterwards, the voice of a maidservant sounded.

"I see." There was some impatience in Duanmu Xiaoxiao's voice.

Di Kongxuan let go of his hand, and the two exchanged a glance, then huddled in the rockery beside them.

There is not much gap in the rockery, and it is inevitable that two people will touch each other when they face each other.

Duanmu held his breath and tried to shrink himself up.

However, the unique body fragrance on her body still penetrated into the tip of Di Kongxuan's nose.

This scent carried an irresistible magic power that almost overwhelmed his reason.

In his eyes, a golden light suddenly appeared, and the blood seemed to be summoned, ready to move.

Outside, the sound of Duanmu Xiaoxiao's footsteps got closer.

Dikongxuan put his hand on Duanmuyi's waist, and pulled her into his embrace.

The aroma is even stronger, with a deep attraction.

He slowly approached Duanmuyi's neck, and the fragrance of his virgin body so close at hand fascinated him.

Duanmuyi suddenly clenched his fist, and hit his temple silently.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed her fist, restrained her hands, and pressed them against the rockery.

A warm breath rushed into the neckline, and soft lips inadvertently brushed behind her ears.

Duanmuyi's body was stiff, and the blood all over his body rushed to that spot.

"Listen to Pine seems to be here..." Duanmu Xiaoxiao whispered into their ears.

Di Kongxuan's hand paused slightly, and he straightened up, but he still didn't let go of his hand.

Hearing that Pine Garden is the residence of Di Kongxuan, what does Duanmu Xiaoxiao want to do?
Duanmu pressed the back of his hand, opened his mouth and said silently: "Let go!"

Di Kongxuan's eyes were dark, he glanced at her, then let go of his hand, turned his head and walked out.

He clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves slightly to suppress the restlessness in his body.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao had already walked away, heading towards Tingsongyuan.

Without further ado, Duanmuyi followed.

(End of this chapter)

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