Chapter 1232

The two turned in from the side wall of Tingsong Garden, and through the cover of the bushes, they saw Duanmu Xiaoxiao tiptoing into the yard, looking around vigilantly.

A cuckoo sound came, Di Kongxuan raised his palm and made a gesture, and the surroundings fell into silence.

This means that the hidden guards don't have to take action.

Di Kongxuan wanted to see what Duanmu Xiaoxiao was doing here.

I saw Duanmu Xiaoxiao pushing open the door one by one, closing it one after another, until he stood at the door of Dikongxuan's bedroom, pushed the door in, and finally came out after a while.

She closed the door carefully, making sure that no flaws were exposed, and then left contentedly, unaware that her actions had already been discovered by the host.

Duanmuyi turned his head and asked, "Is it convenient to go in and have a look?"

"Hmm." Di Kongxuan didn't care, stepped forward, and opened the door casually.

The furnishings in the room were really simple, except for a pair of soap boots placed by the bed, there were no other things of Dikongxuan.

Duanmuyi looked around for a week, and his eyes fell on the bed.

There was a strange aura there, which made her feel it very keenly.

Di Kongxuan closed his eyes, watched her walk to the bed, then stretched out his hand, picked up the pillow, put it under his nose and sniffed.

After a while, she removed the pillow with a strange expression, and took out a plant of grass from it.

"Yaocao?" Di Kongxuan saw it at a glance, and frowned in disgust.

Yaocao, also known as Meicao, has the effect of confusing the mind. After being poisoned by Yaocao, it will make you have a strong desire for the person who appears in front of you.

"I can't tell, Duanmu Xiaoxiao seems determined to win you."

Duanmuyi showed a mocking smile, his eyes shifted from Yaocao to Dikongxuan's face.

It has to be said that this face does have the capital to confuse women. Duanmu Xiaoxiao fell in love the first time he saw him that day, and others could see it clearly.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and said coldly: "I'm not so hungry that I can't choose what to eat."

This kind of evil grass, Duanmuyi felt hot in his hand, he threw it to Di Kongxuan, turned around and walked out: "The evil I made, I will solve it myself."

"Stop." Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand and held her arm.

Men have great strength and are born to be the nemesis of women.

Duanmuyi was pinched so painfully by him, she turned her head to stare at him, but couldn't break free.

"What are you staring at?" Di Kongxuan asked with a sneer when he saw that her eyes were open angrily, her expression was like that of a kitten with teeth and claws open, with an expression of disbelief.

Duanmu replied: "Stare at you!"

"Who gave you the courage?" Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows and asked with his head down.

Duanmu took a small step back.

His facial features are magnified in front of his eyes, every part is like a portrait drawn by a painter, every stroke is extremely delicate, like a monster.

She saw the dark and coquettish color in his eyes, slowly infiltrating her eyes.

"Why are you running, do I look so scary?" Di Kongxuan squeezed her tightly into his arms.

Too small, too thin, stuck in the ribs, not comfortable at all.

Duanmuyi looked directly into Dikongxuan's gaze, and gritted his teeth: "Isn't the person who broke my arm terrible?"

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you think about who took you in?"

I've never seen such a scoundrel who keeps showing his kindness all the time!
Duan Muyi quickly said: "Thank you for saving my life, son, I will definitely repay you in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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