Chapter 1233

"Why come tomorrow, I think today is very suitable." Seeing that she looked flexible and stretchable, Di Kongxuan suddenly became interested, and stretched out his hand to gently press her lips, slowly rubbing them.

Mom sold batches and was molested again!
Duanmuyi narrowed her eyes slightly - she was used to flirting with others, and this was the first time she was molested by a man.

With a sneer, she said: "I think Duanmu Xiaoxiao will be very willing to repay you."

She is indeed a very cold person.

Di Kongxuan curled his lips in boredom, let go of her, watched her take three steps back defensively, and smiled mockingly.

He didn't even bother to look at how many women were trying hard on him, throwing themselves into their arms.

But this girl, even a jerky bite would be sour, but she always made him do something different.

"What do I want Duanmu Xiaoxiao to do?" He raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Duanmuyi looked at him, pursed her lips and smiled: "Perhaps she will be willing to do whatever you want her to do." As she spoke, her eyes turned to the yao grass beside her.

A trace of disgust flashed in Dikongxuan's eyes, he disdained such indecent means the most.

"Tonight, I will give her a big gift."

Duanmuyi was a little surprised: "What do you want to do?"

"You will know tomorrow." Di Kongxuan waved his sleeve, and the yao grass fell into his spirit ring.

The spiritual ring contains heaven and earth, which can hide many things.

Back then, Duanmuyi's father had one, which was later given to her younger brother. After the family was destroyed, the spirit ring was also taken away by the Duanmu family.

Duanmuyi's eyes fell on the spirit ring, slightly envious.

This thing is good, if you have it, you don't need to bring a weapon when you go out, and you don't have to be afraid to go through the security check... Duanmu thought about it, his thoughts drifted away.

Di Kongxuan caught a glimpse of her expression, pursed the corners of his lips, and said calmly: "Come over early tomorrow to watch the show."

Duanmu hurriedly said: "Then can I leave now?"

She doesn't want to see him that much?

Di Kongxuan was displeased, turned around and leaned on the couch: "When did I say you can go?

To be a maidservant, you have to behave like a maidservant, come and serve me. "

"Serve?" Duanmu chewed these two words intently, looked him up and down, "How do you want me to serve you?"

Seeing the contempt in her eyes, Di Kongxuan guessed what she was thinking, his eyes turned from her unscrupulously, and said with disgust: "I told you, I'm not so hungry."


Duanmu smiled distortedly... She is also a 36D beauty... Wait, she looked down at her flat chest, thinking that she is still a child now, she couldn't help crying again.

Yes, I despise her current figure.

Duanmuyi then moved over, squatted down, stretched out his fist, and hit his calf.

It's really smashing, like venting anger.

Di Kongxuan smiled and looked at her strangely.

Sure enough, seeing her face turned pale instantly.

Duanmu bit his lip and flicked his wrist secretly.

Are the man's legs made of stone?
Why so hard!Unprepared, she slammed down a punch, Di Kongxuan didn't respond, but she was almost injured.

"Did Jiang Su not give you food? Your strength is so weak."

Duanmuyi took a deep breath and told himself countless times in his heart - don't care about rascals.

"My lord misunderstood, my arm was injured before, and I couldn't use my strength.

If you want someone to squeeze your legs, why don't I call a few maidservants over for you to keep you satisfied. "Duanmu explained expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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