Chapter 1234

She had punched the man in front of her countless times in her mind.

But the disparity in strength is so great that it can only be imagined out of thin air.

"Knead." Di Kongxuan spit out a word.

Duanmuyi reached out and rubbed his calf.

The legs covered by the pants are extremely smooth, and the tough muscles contain unimaginable terrifying power.Everything about him is perfect, with a powerful perfection.

Rubbing and rubbing, he suddenly felt something was wrong, Duanmuyi looked up, only to see that Dikongxuan had closed his eyes, and his breathing began to be even.

He fell asleep?
Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows slightly, and a wave of anger ignited in his heart.

She worked so hard to pinch his legs here, and he fell asleep like this?
Taking a little closer, Di Kongxuan's appearance is indeed extremely perfect, his three-dimensional facial features are like the most perfect sculptures in the West, but between his brows and eyes is an absolute oriental man, both simple and majestic, exquisite and monstrous.

In her previous life, she had seen many beautiful men from various nationalities, but none of them could compare to one-tenth of Di Kongxuan's.

But... Duanmuyi was very clear in his heart, what kind of ruthless means were hidden under this delicate face.

Say what you say, and you can't refuse.

She recalled the incident of being broken by his arm, and the humiliation of being forced to be his maidservant. She raised her palm and gestured to his face, wondering if it would be feasible for her to beat him up now?

Fortunately, she is still reasonable, knowing that now is not the time to fight against him, and the future will be long.

Just when he was about to take his hand away, he suddenly opened his eyes and raised his hand to hold her wrist.

Duanmuyi's heart skipped a beat, and then he smiled calmly: "Why?"

"Aren't you going to slap me?" Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, looked at her and smiled.

Did he really fall asleep, but he just wanted to see if she would take the opportunity to escape or play some other tricks!
Unexpectedly, this stinky girl thought of beating him, she really gained a lot of courage.

"My lord was joking, a little bug flew in just now, this servant will chase it away for you."

Although Duanmuyi had 1 thoughts in his heart, he still expressed his loyalty with his mouth.

The mouth is not the heart.

Di Kongxuan came to a conclusion and let go of her hand: "Get lost."

"Your servant will leave." Duanmu quickly got up and left as if he had been pardoned.

She labeled Dikongxuan in her heart—a stinking stone with high self-esteem and indifference.

At night, outside Tingsong Garden, a figure quietly sneaked into the courtyard, it was Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

During the day, she sneaked into Tingsong Garden quietly, and stuffed a yao weed in Dikongxuan's pillow.

The Yaocao was picked by her unintentionally three years ago from the back mountain of the Duanmu family, and has been kept in her spirit ring since then, but this time she brought it here by accident.

Although her father said that Di Kongxuan should not be provoked.

But in Duanmu Xiaoxiao's view, if he can get Di Kongxuan's favor, it is not considered a provocation.

If Dikongxuan is willing to marry her, he will add more wings to the Duanmu family, how can it be called provocation?
Duanmu Xiaoxiao pushed open the bedroom door while thinking.

The yao grass works at moonrise, at first making people drowsy, and then turning into a beast of desire.

The medicine is so strong that no one can resist it!

Duanmu Xiaoxiao thought of what was going to happen next, his face turned red and his heart beat like a drum.

Even though she knew that doing so was indecent and would be looked down upon by others, Di Kongxuan's face was always in her mind, overcoming all fears.

(End of this chapter)

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