Chapter 1235

This man has a fatal beauty that makes her willing to give up everything.

Through the moonlight, she saw that the bed was slightly bulging, and a pair of men's soap boots were placed beside the bed.

—————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first—————

The next day, a woman's scream was heard in Pine Garden.

The news spread quickly from the Jialan clan—the new Miss Duanmu ran out of the Emperor's bedroom, still disheveled!

When Duanmuyi heard the news, he was walking towards Tingsongyuan.

Thinking about what Di Kongxuan told her before, to give her a big gift, could it be this?

A cold smile flashed in her eyes, today must be very interesting.

Hearing that a lot of people had gathered outside Songyuan, Duanmu wanted to squeeze into the crowd, and sure enough, he saw Duanmu Xiaoxiao standing behind Duanmuhong covering his face, sobbing non-stop.

Di Kongxuan was wearing a snow-colored gown, standing in front of the two with his hands behind his back.

Jiang suspected that he didn't come, probably because he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Duanmuhong protected his daughter with one hand, and glared at Di Kongxuan: "Young Master, what happened today, please explain to me!"

Di Kongxuan looked at him expressionlessly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "I would like to ask Miss Duanmu why she came out of my room."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's face turned red, looking at the Jialan people around her, she wanted to cry: "Daughter doesn't know what's going on, she was in her room when she fell asleep,
Who would have known... Who would have known that when she woke up, she would actually be on the bed of the Emperor's son..."

"Oh? From what you're saying, I took you into my bed at night?" Di Kongxuan looked at her.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao bit her lips and said in a low voice: "Xiao Xiao doesn't know why Young Master is like"

She had an expression of hesitation, as if Di Kongxuan had really kidnapped her here.

The people of the Jialan tribe watched this scene with great interest, and seeing the scene of the always cold-faced Young Master Di was considered complete.

"Heh." Di Kongxuan sneered, his eyes were icy cold, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Duanmuyi's expression as if watching a play, and walked directly to her side.

With drooping eyes, an extremely ambiguous and playful smile suddenly appeared.

When he smiled, the sky of the Jialan tribe seemed to be a little brighter, and the colors between the mountains and fields all faded, which was less than one ten-thousandth of his.

Everyone stared at the two dumbfounded, and then heard him speak slowly: "Little beauty, tell her where we were yesterday."

He deliberately bites the word "we" very clearly.

The tribe let out a meaningful "oh".

Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at Duanmuyi, and slowly clenched his fists.

Duanmu smiled.

Although Di Kongxuan used her as a spearman, she didn't like it very much.

But she is willing to do anything that can make Duanmu Xiaoxiao feel uncomfortable.

So she cooperated very hard, smiled shyly, turned around, and threw herself directly into Di Kongxuan's arms, beat his chest and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry to say...

Didn't the young master invite me to go to the back mountain to enjoy the moon last night?
You also said to others, that Duanmu Xiaoxiao is extremely ugly, but I am much prettier. "

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, glanced at her, and resisted the urge to push her away.

Even though he was very determined, he almost trembled when he heard these words.

Viewing the moon from the back mountain?

This reason sucks, there was no moon at all last night.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao is extremely ugly, does she want to look good?
When had he ever said such words?
(End of this chapter)

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