Chapter 1236

Did the clansmen hold back a burst of laughter, and some of them watched the excitement and were ready to call friends.

There are also those who silently took out their pens to record "The First One of the [-] Strange Incidents of the Emperor in the Jialan Clan".

The blue veins on Duanmu Xiaoxiao's forehead twitched, waiting for Duanmuyi's eyes to burst into flames: "You are talking nonsense! Last night he was—"

Everyone pricked up their ears.

Duanmuhong snarled and interrupted her: "Young Master, if you don't want to be responsible, you can just say it, why fabricate the facts!
Although your cultivation base is profound, my Duanmu family is not to be bullied! "

The implication is that what Duanmuyi said was all lies, and Dikongxuan asked her to make it up.

Di Kongxuan turned his back to them, expressionless, not bothering to talk.

Duanmuyi glanced at him, secretly gave him a middle finger, then turned her head, showing a shy look again.

"Patriarch Duanmu, please don't judge a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, my young master doesn't like to make up stories like Patriarch Duanmu.

On the way to the back mountain last night, I met many Jialan people. If Patriarch Duanmu doesn't believe it, he can ask the people present. "

Dikongxuan is a frequent visitor of the Jialan tribe and a good friend of Jiang Xin; Duanmuhong and his daughter are just visitors.

The Jialan people are all smart, if they haven't seen it, they must say they have seen it.

Sure enough, many members of the Jialan tribe immediately claimed that they saw the emperor holding her hand and walking towards the back mountain.Immediately, someone added fuel and vinegar, expressing convincingly that he heard the emperor praise her for being good-looking.

The corners of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, he felt that the Jialan tribe also lied and did not make drafts.

Duanmuhong's face turned purple with anger.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao was going crazy with jealousy.

What's so good about that girl, why can she be favored by Di Kongxuan!
When she woke up this morning, she really didn't see anyone on the bed.

But last night, when she lay on the bed and boldly took off her clothes, she clearly sensed that there was someone in the quilt!
Duanmuyi suddenly shouted sharply: "Who's there!"

As a top killer, although she has changed her body now, her sensitivity still exists, and she immediately felt a gaze.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but saw a shadow hiding in the corner of the wall.

Duanmuhong walked over quickly, stretched out his hand, and lifted the shadow out.

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows—an ape?
Wearing a human coat, the ape had unusually long hands and feet. He was thrown on the ground, looking aggrieved, and even covered his face with his hands, quite humane.

"Where did the monkey come from!" Many members of the Jialan tribe were also surprised.

Seeing Duanmu Xiaoxiao, the ape suddenly moved over and rubbed against her legs, looking intimate.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao hurriedly dodged, showing a look of disgust: "Don't touch me!"

The ape didn't seem to expect her to react like this, and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly escaped a piece of fabric from the jacket, spread it in the palm of his hand, and showed it to everyone, making a gurgling sound.

Others can't understand, but Duanmuyi has the ability to communicate with spirits, so he understands immediately.

The ape said, "This is her little coat."

The small garment is the fabric that girls use to wrap their breasts. This small garment is made of high-quality fabric and exquisite workmanship. It is not an ordinary thing at first glance.

Especially when Duanmu Xiaoxiao's complexion changed drastically, Duanmuyi felt more and more happy.

Before Duanmu Xiaoxiao, she stretched out her hand to take the fabric, and shook it out for everyone to see: "Such delicate clothes, Miss Duanmu, are they yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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