Chapter 1239

Duanmuhong sneered: "Get him?

Look at you now, if you steal chickens, you won't lose money, and your daughter's family's reputation is rotten!

Is that what your mother taught you?

Can you just climb into someone else's bed? "

"It's all the fault of that woman. If she hadn't dragged Master Di to the back mountain last night, I would have succeeded long ago."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao clenched her fists, "She seems to be against me everywhere."

When Duanmuyi was mentioned, Duanmuhong also frowned: "I thought she was Duanmuyi, but she doesn't look like she is wearing a human skin mask.

Send a letter back to ask the tribe to investigate the identity of this person, and there is news. "

"Oh? Who is she?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao hurriedly asked.

"It's a girl rescued by Di Kongxuan in the Hull Empire. Her name is Liu'er. Both her parents died and she came from a poor family."

Duanmuhong narrowed his eyes, "But I always feel strange... Since I have no grievances with my Duanmu family, why are you targeting us everywhere?"

Another point, where did her hatred come from?

Duanmu Xiaoxiao snorted: "A wild girl from a poor family, naturally Xiao wants to get the Emperor's son.

How can she compare with me, she will naturally oppose me everywhere. "

"Anyway, Xiao Xiao, you have to be careful." Duan Muhong said, "Governor Yuandong is going to visit the family, and father has to go back tomorrow.

You have not healed your old wounds, and you are going to stay in the Jialan tribe alone, father is really worried. "

Hearing that he could stay in the Jialan tribe alone, Duanmu Xiaoxiao was only happy in his heart.

With her father away, she can continue to approach Dikongxuan!

The next day, Duanmuhong said goodbye first.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao went to the kitchen, made a bowl of chicken soup with his own hands, and brought it to Ting Song Yuan.

Hearing that the gate of Songyuan was closed, she knocked on the door and shouted: "Is the emperor there? Xiao Xiao was rude yesterday, and today I am here to make amends."

Duanmuyi stood in the courtyard practicing plum blossom piles.

Early this morning, Di Kongxuan entrusted the maidservant of the Jialan tribe to tell her that starting today, she must come to Songyuan every day to listen to reports and train her body.

Di Kongxuan said that a cultivator must have a sufficiently healthy body to practice spiritual energy.

So Duanmuyi has been standing in the yard for an hour.

Half an hour ago, her spiritual energy had been exhausted, and now she was sweating profusely, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Back when she was an assassin, she would be fine even if she didn't eat or drink for a whole day, not to mention taking up two hours.

In the final analysis, this body is too weak now, and it really should be exercised more.

This is also the reason why she did not refute Di Kongxuan and was unexpectedly obedient.

After the two legs passed the critical point, they didn't feel any sensation, only the soreness and numbness between the waist and abdomen remained.

On the opposite side, Di Kongxuan was sitting under the eaves, holding a celadon cup with three fingers, and a stack of exquisite rose cakes in his hand.

The peach blossoms outside the wall have already bloomed, and they were blown by the wind, fluttering down into his arms.

She was dressed in red and white clothes, her long ebony hair was only tied with a cyan headband behind her head, and her eyes were as bright as stars.

She has a bright face and a bewitching look, as if looking at it for a long time can burn people's eyes.

Such a beautiful day, such a picturesque son.

"You can't even stand upright, how can you be so stupid?"

As soon as the young master opened his mouth, the static beauty instantly disappeared into nothingness.

Duanmuyi, who is in strong contrast to his leisurely, lowered his eyes, looked at his nose, and his nose looked at his heart.

If you don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recites the scriptures.

As soon as Di Kongxuan put the tea cup down, without seeing how he moved, he had already floated onto the plum blossom pile, put one hand on her elbow, and kicked her ankle with the tip of his toe.

(End of this chapter)

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