Chapter 1240

"Elbows flat, feet in."

Duanmuyi was slightly dazed, and from the corner of his vision, he caught a glimpse of his jade-like fingers, lightly resting his arm, and his manicured, round nails were crystal clear and plump.

The spring breeze is coming, and the aroma of peach blossoms fills the nose.

Her heart moved slightly.

However, at the next moment, her calf suddenly felt throbbing pain, and she could no longer stand upright, so she let out a low cry and threw herself towards the ground.

—It's over, cramp.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door, and Duanmu Xiaoxiao's voice came.

Dikong Xuanben stretched out his hand to pull her, but when he heard the sound, he lost his footing, and the two of them fell to the ground together.

Duanmuyi almost vomited blood under the weight of Dikongxuan, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, and silently rolled his eyes in his heart.

What atmosphere is all fake.

"Is the emperor there? I came in?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao's voice sounded again, accompanied by the sound of the courtyard door opening.

Dikongxuan frowned, snapped Duanmuyi's chin, lowered his head, and sealed her lips when she was about to speak.

The lip color is light, and the mouth is full of fragrance.

The large red tulle sleeves covered Duanmuyi's eyes, she opened them in shock, and through a layer of red mist, she saw his expression as indifferent as a distant mountain.

She pursed her lips, trying to avoid him, but he held her tightly.

There was a cracking sound of a porcelain bowl nearby, Duanmu Xiaoxiao covered his mouth, looked at the two overlapped people in disbelief, and screamed: "What are you doing!"

Di Kongxuan turned his head slightly, his voice sounded as if frozen thousands of miles away: "Get lost."

"Liu'er, you really are a slut! Seduce a man in broad daylight, you still have the face to accuse me?
I think you are the corrupt and shameless woman! "

The scene in front of her stung her, and the jealousy in Duanmu Xiaoxiao's heart completely overwhelmed her, making her speechless.

Duanmuyi blinked - who is Liu'er?
The back of this pot is so miserable.

Di Kongxuan only said two words: "Xunyi."

A black shadow suddenly flew across the roof, picked up Duanmu Xiaoxiao's collar, and disappeared in Tingsongyuan.

The work of the hidden guards, apart from protecting Di Kongxuan, is also responsible for cleaning up these flowers and plants on a daily basis, leaving a quiet space for their great master.

Comrade Xunyi has done this kind of work very smoothly.

Duanmuyi came back to his senses and saw that he was still pressing on him, his ears were slightly red, but he still said calmly and almost indifferently: "Young Master, can you get up now?"

Di Kongxuan got up calmly, moved his fingers slightly, and was about to pull her up, but saw that she had already climbed up by herself, so he turned around with his hands behind his back, and said, "I see that you are still energetic, continue to stand."

Duanmuyi looked down at his trembling legs, then at his ice-cold back, and scolded him ten thousand times in his heart.

Don't know that training should be done step by step!
The instructors on Secret Service Island were not as inhuman as he was.

"Stand for another half hour." Di Kongxuan raised the corners of his lips with a half-smile, and returned to his seat to drink tea.

When Duanmu Yi came out from Tingsongyuan, he was already half dead.

Not only did the spiritual power in her body drain away, but all the muscles in her body were protesting, and the tingling feeling made her almost unable to walk.

But when she saw Dikongxuan's indifferent eyes, she gritted her teeth, straightened her back, and walked out of Dikongxuan's sight.

Jiang Xin held a few freshly broken peach blossoms and passed by the door, smiled warmly, and said softly: "Miss Duanmu is very stubborn."

Di Kongxuan glanced at someone who had been watching the show for more than half an hour, and lowered his head to continue his tea: "To be able to survive in the Dan River is a stubborn person."

(End of this chapter)

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