Chapter 1241

"Ordinary men are not able to stand up under your torture." Jiang Su smiled and shook his head.

One and a half hours of stance practice, except for a small episode in the middle, without half a break, it is a miracle that Duanmuyi can persist.

Di Kongxuan drank his tea calmly and ignored it.

Jiang Yi added: "I just saw Duanmu Xiaoxiao followed her."

"Is the Jialan tribe doing nothing lately?" Di Kongxuan looked up at him, with an expression on his face that you are free.

Jiang Sui: "..."

Come on, just pretend he didn't say anything!

—————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first—————

On the way back from Tingsong Garden to Guanlan Pavilion, we must pass through the garden of the Jialan tribe.

As soon as Duanmuyi stepped into the garden, he immediately felt the traces of spiritual power seeping into his meridians along his skin, and he didn't need her to catalyze too much, and he automatically ran along the exercises and returned to his dantian.

Her exhausted body couldn't wait to absorb the spiritual energy, making her wish she could meditate immediately.

"Be careful behind!" The voice of the spirit suddenly came from the side.

At the same time, she was keenly aware of the wind coming from behind her head.

She wanted to roll away on the spot, but her legs were numb and she couldn't move, so she fell directly to the ground with a bloodstain on her back.

The pain of ruptured flesh invaded her mind instantly, she gritted her teeth and turned sideways, avoiding the whip that came immediately.

The whip was thrown on the side of her face, if she was a little slower to dodge it, her face would be disfigured immediately.

Turning sideways like this, she saw the person who attacked her, as expected, it was Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

"See if I won't ruin your face, and let you seduce the young master again." Duanmu Xiaoxiao sneered in a low voice, and the whip in his hand was driven by the spiritual energy, flying towards her like a poisonous snake.

Duanmuyi propped her arms on the ground, and suddenly jumped up. At the same time, she flicked her fingers, and the thorny vines in the garden had already formed a green net in front of her.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao had suffered from the thorny vines before, now he sneered, how could he suffer again, he swung his long whip left and right, smashing the thorny vines to pieces.

But he didn't know that Duanmuyi was already ready to welcome her behind the thorny vine.

Under her call, all the spiders and earthworms in the garden crawled behind the thorn vines.

Just when the thorny vines were shattered and the vision was confused, they all climbed onto Duanmu Xiaoxiao's skirt.

Although Duanmu Xiaoxiao had raised a poisonous spider, he had never seen so many spiders and earthworms swarming in, like an army obeying orders.

She took five steps back, waving the whip like the wind in her hand, knocking down all the spiritual creatures close to her.

"Liu'er, you actually know this kind of sorcery, I must tell Patriarch Jiang!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but panic when she saw that so many animals and plants could be driven by her.

Duanmuyi supported a pear tree, stood up straight, and stared at her coldly: "Should I say you are stupid?

Do you think Patriarch Jiang is more stupid than you? "

"You!" The spider and the earthworm were temporarily forced back, Duanmu Xiaoxiao turned pale with anger, and lashed the whip hard on the ground in his hand, sending dust and dust flying, but she was already approaching!

Duanmuyi patted the pear tree behind him.

The branch of the pear tree was suddenly pulled out out of thin air, like a ruler, and it slammed on Duanmu Xiaoxiao's neck fiercely, leaving a bloodstain on her delicate neck.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao fell back to the ground, clutching his neck, staring at Duanmuyi with jealous eyes.

"It seems that Miss Duanmu has been pampered for a long time, and she has forgotten that she is not in the territory of your Duanmu family, right?" Duanmu looked at her without showing any weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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