Chapter 1242

Even though her body was exhausted, even though the wound on her back was bleeding stickyly, even though her mind was dizzy and her eyes were black, she still stood upright, even more imposing than Duanmu Xiaoxiao!
Duanmu Xiaoxiao was about to get up, when she suddenly found two tough vines growing underground, locking her ankles tightly.

She immediately took out her dagger and leaned over to cut.

Suddenly a foot stretched out from the side and kicked her dagger away, and she was also kicked to the ground.

The vines and grass spread upwards, binding her two legs.

Duanmuyi had already stood by her side, looking down at her condescendingly.

A few months ago, the two of them switched places.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao trampled on her dignity, the lives of her whole family, and the most precious thing in her life, wantonly insulting her.

But today, she slowly raised her foot and stepped on Duanmu Xiaoxiao's wrist.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, and he said repeatedly: "How dare you!
If you hurt me even an iota, the Duanmu family will never give up! "

"You, Duanmu Xiaoxiao, are nothing after leaving Duanmu's house." Duanmuyi sneered, and stepped on her bones hard with the soles of his feet.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao screamed miserably, and wanted to pull her hands back, but another vine and grass wrapped around her arms.

It's a pity that Duanmuyi wasn't strong enough, and he couldn't stop stepping on Duanmu Xiaoxiao's wrist.

She took her foot away with some regret, and began to miss the polar silver fox that she never left her back then.

With a gun, many problems can be easily solved.

In the blink of an eye, she saw Duanmu Xiaoxiao's resentful eyes, she got up suddenly, picked up the dagger from the side, and squatted beside her.

"Miss Duanmu, your eyes are really not beautiful, how about I repair them for you?

Well, open the corners of your eyes, it will make your eyes look big and attractive. "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao saw that she was smiling, but she was about to stab the dagger into her eyes, she immediately disregarded all images, fear completely occupied her mind.

She screamed and begged for mercy, if it wasn't for the vines and grasses, she would have rolled all over the floor.

"I was wrong, Liu'er, I was wrong!
Spare me, spare me!
You can't do this to me! "

Duanmuyi stared, and stabbed down with the dagger.

Who is Liu Er?

I'm so sorry you apologized to the wrong person.

At this moment, a burst of spiritual power suddenly rushed towards the face like a spring breeze, but gently pushed Duanmuyi away a little, and easily shook away the vines and grass that bound Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

Duanmuyi leaned against the pear tree, the dagger fell to the ground, and the wound on his back started to ache.

The figures of Di Kongxuan and Jiang Xin appeared outside the garden.

"Please be merciful." Jiang Sui said with a smile and no doubt.

It's just that his eyes are full of admiration and admiration.

Such a decisive young girl is indeed courageous and admirable.

It's just that it is not suitable for the Jialan tribe to be enemies with the spirit tribe.

For a small fight, he has the right to watch a play, if Duanmu Xiaoxiao's eyes are gouged out, then the incident will become a big one.

It's not that he's afraid of the Duanmu family, it's just that he doesn't want to offend the Duanmu family just because of a Duanmu idea.

Di Kongxuan's eyes flicked across the embarrassed Duanmu Xiaoxiao and landed on Duanmuyi.

He knew that her physical condition must be very bad now, most people would have fainted long ago.

Unexpectedly, this young girl has such a tenacious willpower.

He was able to turn defeat into victory, beating Duanmu Xiaoxiao to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

It's just...his style.

(End of this chapter)

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