Chapter 1244

I don't know if he came across a special place, but Duanmuyi felt an electric current rushing from his head to the soles of his feet, and his eyes became blurred, like clouds and fog, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Di Kongxuan's eyes fell on the scenery in front of him.

Most of the exposed back has smooth lines and smooth skin, only a ferocious whip mark spoils the beauty.

Flesh turned outward, blood still bubbling out.

Gradually, the fair skin was covered with a layer of pink, as tender as a fairy peach.

His fingers fell on it, lingering, refusing to leave.

Duanmuyi bit his lip, and after a while, he calmly asked: "Didn't you say to apply the medicine?"

With a flick of his fingertips, Dikongxuan wiped half a bottle of hibiscus ointment on her back.

When she touched the wound, her shoulders trembled in pain, like a weak willow supporting the wind, which had a special feeling.

The moment he withdrew his hand, Duanmuyi immediately pulled up his shirt and covered the neckline.

"Thank you."

She said lightly, but she kept scolding herself as a waste in her heart——Back when she was wandering among men, all kinds of arms predators, drug lords, and politicians were handy everywhere, and she had never felt so palpitating.

"Thank me for what?" Di Kongxuan didn't seem to want to leave, sat down opposite her, rubbed his fingers, and asked back.

Duanmu said: "First, thank you for applying the medicine for me; second, thank you for helping me in the garden."

After getting along with each other these days, she also knows that Di Kongxuan is not a person who likes to talk nonsense.

In the garden, asking her to explain is just to let her do it herself and let her breath out.

Dikongxuan's eyes flashed, and then the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "What did I help in the garden? I'll ask you to explain, you slapped her twice, and it's up to you to say it."

Duanmuyi smiled and said: "Yes, Young Master is right."

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, saw that her face was blushing, her eyes were dodging, she was staring at the tabletop but not looking at him, so he tapped the tabletop with his index finger: "Seeing that the master is thirsty, don't you know how to pour a cup of tea?"

Duanmuyi finally raised his head, picked up the teacup to refill him a cup of tea, and pushed it in front of him.

"There's a question I haven't had time to ask you."

Di Kongxuan was in a good mood, and mercifully let her ask.

"Is that ape you saw that day your spiritual pet?" Duanmuyi asked curiously.

"Why such a guess?" Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

When Duanmu saw his reaction, he was sure, and said: "It is impossible for there to be an ape in the Jialan tribe without a reason, and it is so human."

"Then why must it be my spiritual pet?"

"Except for Patriarch Jiang and you in the Jialan clan, everyone else is an attendant. Even if they have a spiritual pet, they dare not release it at will. And asking Patriarch Jiang's spiritual pet to steal... a woman's underwear, I don't think so. Reality." Duanmuyi analyzed sincerely.

Di Kongxuan's complexion darkened.

It is unrealistic for Jiang Su's spiritual pet to steal a woman's underwear, but is it realistic for his spiritual pet to steal it?

He pursed his lips, completely forgetting that his spiritual pet had indeed done this.

Seeing his unhappy face, Duanmu pursed his lips wisely and kept silent.

Di Kongxuan finished his tea in silence, got up and said, "Come over tomorrow to listen to the medicine in Pine Garden."

After watching him go out, Duanmu Yi was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and jumped up suddenly: "Can't you keep the medicine? Oh——"

The large movement pulled the injury on her back, and she fell down on the chair in pain, her face contorted.


(End of this chapter)

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