Chapter 1245

Duanmu Xiaoxiao went back to the yard, looked at the empty yard, angrily drove away all the maidservants, and overturned all the tables and chairs in the house.

She knelt on the ground, buried her face in her arms, and sobbed.

After a while, she raised her head again, with a weird smile on her face.

Liu'er, I won't make it easy for you!
Now she is still in the Jialan tribe, and when she leaves the Jialan tribe, she does not believe that Liu'er will stay here forever.

Once Liu'er also leaves the Jialan tribe, it will be her death!
————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first release —————————— Meow Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first release—————

The next day, Duanmuyi planned to go to Jiang Yi to ask for the lotus ointment, but he met Yinglan on the way, and Yinglan told her that all the lotus ointment of the Jialan tribe had been taken away by Di Kongxuan.

Duanmuyi was in a daze for a long time, finally heaved a sigh and walked into Tingsongyuan.

Di Kongxuan had expected that she would definitely come, and when he heard the footsteps, he didn't look back, he just leaned on the low couch behind the window, holding a delicate and beautiful crabapple in his hand.

Today he is wearing a begonia red single cloak, and a red belt is tied on the black skirt, with a jade gourd hanging from it, very small and cute.

Eyebrows are clear and bright, black pupils are alluring, I don't know if the flowers make people more alluring, or people make flowers more beautiful.

Duanmuyi stood in front of him, her beauty was shining, so she didn't dare to look at him again, she just stretched out her hand and said: "Please trouble me, sir, can you give me a bottle of Furong ointment?"

But Di Kongxuan handed the crabapple flower to her hand, and closed the window with a wave of his hand: "Sit down."

Duanmu opened his mouth to speak, but Di Kongxuan seemed to know what she was going to say, and interrupted her: "As my servant girl, obeying my orders is the first priority."

Di Kongxuan's voice was light and ethereal, but it was obvious that no one dared to resist.

Duanmuyi scolded him thousands of times in his heart, and finally had to compromise.

Forget it, it's not like she hasn't been seen and touched by a man, what's so awkward?
So she turned around, sat down, and said calmly, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Behind him, the man's voice came again: "How can I take the medicine without taking off my clothes?"

Duanmuyi unbuttoned his shirt and took off half of it.

Her long hair was pulled aside, covering her blushing cheeks.

The hibiscus ointment was smeared on the back, and it seeped in coolly, but it seemed to be entangled with a trace of heat, and the blood all over the body seemed to be faintly hot.

Di Kongxuan's fingertips paused, and the unique body fragrance entered his nose again.

Yesterday the smell of blood covered up the scent, but today the scent seduced him so clearly that his eyes gradually began to burn.

Duanmu felt that he hadn't moved for a long time, moved a little, put on his clothes, turned his head and said: "Thank you, Mr.—"

She suddenly stopped, the eyes of the person in front of her were glowing with golden light, staring at her with disdain and full of longing, which made her whole heart start to beat uncomfortably.

"Young Master?" She pursed her lips, moved down the low couch, and wanted to back away.

However, Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand suddenly, pressed her on the low couch without warning, lowered his head, and sealed all her exclamation in his mouth.

Duanmu didn't expect that he would suddenly go crazy. At this moment, his hands and feet were suppressed by him, so he could only turn his head wildly, trying to avoid his kiss.

But how could she defeat him.

(End of this chapter)

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