Chapter 1247

A trace of loss in Duanmuyi's heart was inexplicably flashed, but it disappeared quickly, and there was no trace of existence.

She vaguely realized that after this incident, the aura in her dantian had accumulated to a critical value, and she was only short of an opportunity to break through.

It's just that the opportunity always seems to refuse to come.

The more this happened, the more she knew that she couldn't be in a hurry.

For practitioners, the body is the foundation and the heart is the root.

If she is too anxious, she will easily go mad.

It can only be done step by step.

On the third day, the wound on her back had healed perfectly, leaving only a scar.

Ying Lan left Bai Ye San for scar removal, and left Guanlan Pavilion to return to her command.

Duanmu thought about the matter of the back mountain, and when she left, he also left Guanlan Pavilion and walked towards the back mountain.

She hadn't entered the back mountain of the Jialan tribe yet, she thought she would be heavily guarded like the Duanmu family, but unexpectedly the journey was smooth.

Exotic flowers and plants, strange rocks and weeping willows, a beautiful spring scene, warm and beautiful.

Sure enough, as Jiang Xin said, the cherry blossoms in the back mountain were in full bloom.

There are snow cherry blossoms all over the mountains and plains, white and red, densely crowded on the branches, and even the ground is covered with a thick layer of petals.

There is a very light and very light fragrance rippling in the air, like water marks on the paper, which disappears with a light wave.

She had also been to Japan before and enjoyed the most beautiful cherry blossoms, but compared to the cherry blossoms in the back mountains of the Jialan tribe, she seemed to lack a lot of aura.

She didn't know why Jiang Yi wanted her to come to the back mountain, so she just wandered into the forest and walked away without knowing it.When I looked back, I couldn't tell the way I came from.

There are also many spiritual beings in the cherry blossom tree. When I smell her breath, I feel very kind in an instant.

Wisps of aura penetrated into her meridians, and even her body seemed to exude the light fragrance of cherry blossoms.

She didn't realize that a jade-white figure was looking at her from afar.

"Chichi—" a thin call suddenly came from the wind.

Duanmuyi frowned, smelling a faint smell of blood.

She turned around and walked in that direction, when suddenly a half-person tall shadow jumped into her eyes.

She took half a step back in horror, only to realize that it was a wild boar covered with manes!

The wild boar also saw her, and stood up, with a murderous light in his eyes full of humanity.

It can also feel that this human being's cultivation level is not high, but if it eats her together, it must be able to grow a lot!

Duanmuyi clenched his fists, and learned from the information from the surrounding spirits that the wild boar in front of him was in the innate Dzogchen realm about to become a demon!

Once a monster has cultivated to innate Dzogchen, it means it is half a step away from becoming a monster.

She weighed it and knew that she was not its opponent.


"Chichi!" As if sensing the arrival of a helper, a snow-colored shadow jumped over, grabbed her trouser legs, raised her mouse-like fox-like head, and looked at her pitifully with black grape-like eyes.

Duanmuyi looked at this little thing, his heart was so soft that it was a mess.

The little thing can't speak yet, but it is holding her skirt, and the look of anxiously asking for help is very clear.

She knew that the little thing wanted her to save it, but she hesitated.

The wild boar snorted impatiently and growled threateningly at her.

Duanmuyi clenched his fists, and suddenly hugged the little thing with his trouser legs in his arms.

She herself is not a person who is afraid of danger. As a top killer, why hasn't she been through mountains of swords and seas of fire?

Afraid of a wild boar, what will she do after word spread!
(End of this chapter)

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