Chapter 1248

What's more, if a practitioner encounters an opponent stronger than himself, he will be timid, and it will be difficult to increase his xinxing in this life!

Isn't it the congenital Dzogchen?
She is also innate mid-term strength now, and if she goes all out, she may not be able to fight!

"Aw!" Seeing her being so provocative, the wild boar kicked its front hooves and rushed towards her.

Duanmuyi backed away quickly, and freed up one hand to pinch a magic formula.

In the cherry blossom forest, aura filled the air, forming a white mist that covered the sky.

Duanmuyi was hidden in the white mist, and the petals danced around her like a flower god.

The roar of the wild boar kept ringing around, but under the control of Duanmuyi, the weeds and vines attacked it tirelessly, and it couldn't get close at all.

"Chichi!" The little thing in his arms suddenly made a sharp sound, Duanmuyi looked intently, but saw two figures flashing across the white mist like lightning, and the roar of the wild boar became heavier, like thunder rolling in the sky.

"Don't move." Duanmu held down the little thing that was about to jump out of his arms, the spirit formula changed, and the white mist dissipated.

She flew forward, concentrated the power in her palm, and slapped it out, which landed on the wild boar's neck.

She slapped it out, and she immediately realized that this was not going to work.

The fur on the wild boar's body was very thick, and her palm couldn't shake it, but angered it instead.

It broke free from the wild vines on its body and bit its sharp fangs towards her shoulder.

In desperation, Duanmu threw the little thing in his arms to the side, pushed his palms together, and jumped up with his body.

Landing on the wild boar's back, he pulled out a dagger from his waist with a twist of his hand, and stabbed it hard into the wild boar's head with spiritual power.

In her memory, the former master had read a lot of books, and knew that if a beast wanted to cultivate into a demon, the demon pill must be hidden in the head.

After destroying the demon core, the beast's attack power will naturally drop.

"Not good." Duanmu knew he was careless the moment he stabbed down.

Her dagger was very ordinary, even with her spiritual power, it only pierced the wild boar's fur, but it got stuck in the skull and couldn't penetrate an inch.

The wild boar shook its body frantically, Duanmuyi couldn't stand still, was thrown out, hit the cherry blossom tree, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The wild boar had already rushed towards her, she lost all strength for a while, but the spiritual power gathered in her right hand unwillingly, but the speed of the wild boar was too fast.

Duanmuyi closed his eyes subconsciously, but his right hand still did not give up gathering spiritual power!

However, a moment later, the howling of a wild boar was heard.

The pair of eyes behind the tree have been watching her movements since she was in distress.

Seeing this, his index finger moved slightly, and a golden light mixed with the cherry blossom petals fell on the dagger.

The dagger was stained with golden light, sank suddenly, and pierced fiercely into the demon core.

Duanmuyi opened his eyes, but saw that the dagger had pierced in, and the demon core was shattered.

good chance!
Just as she was about to move forward, those two lightning-like shadows flashed in front of her eyes again, and she finally saw clearly.

It turned out to be two small animals that looked like mice and foxes, they were just bigger than the one just now.

The two adult little beasts bit the wild boar's neck, one on the left and the other on the right.

The sharp claws scratched at its back and belly, directly tearing the wild boar's flesh.

Duanmuyi was dumbfounded - her dagger has an indestructible fur, which these two animals can scratch easily.

How sharp it must be!
The wild boar struggled to die, but the two little beasts clung to it until the wild boar fell to the ground and twitched a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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