Chapter 1250

"Hmm..." Duanmuyi suddenly snorted unconsciously, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

She was promoted independently for the first time, but she didn't know that the dantian in her body could bear a limit. She only knew that she was desperately absorbing the spiritual power passed to her from the outside world. Suddenly, the spiritual energy in her body skyrocketed, and her meridians were stretched open, almost breaking!
Dikong Xuan's eyes darkened slightly, damn it, why is she so stupid!
He squatted down, put one palm on Duanmuyi's dantian, and grabbed the little thing with the other hand.

The little thing was trembling, and scratched vigorously on the back of his hand with its sharp claws, but it couldn't scratch his skin.

"Don't move!" Di Kongxuan shouted displeased.

He transferred the extra aura from Duanmuyi's body into the little thing's body, so Duanmuyi's expression was a little more relaxed.

It wasn't until his spiritual power penetrated into Duanmuyi's meridians that he was sure that there was no danger, then he let go of his hand, and then played a set of complicated formulas, which landed on Duanmuyi's eyebrows and the little thing's eyebrows respectively.

If one person and one beast cannot sign the contract, then the aura will eventually kill this little thing.

Only after signing the spiritual pet contract, the spiritual energy of both parties can be exchanged and used.

Di Kongxuan thought to himself, he is really full.

Hearing that she was coming to Houshan, he ran over to follow her; now he wasted his energy and came to help her sign the contract of spiritual pet.

It's really been too busy lately.

Di Kongxuan slandered in his heart, and completed the set of procedures with a cold expression as if his ancestral grave had been dug up.

The little thing's eyes were dazed for a moment, and he closed his eyes obediently.

But at this moment, the aura that poured into Duanmuyi's body flowed out from between her eyebrows and soaked into the little thing's body, forming a perfect cycle.

An hour later, the fluctuation of spiritual power in the cherry blossom forest gradually stopped, and after a while, Duanmuyi opened his eyes.

She smiled happily and looked down at her hands.

In the late innate stage, she finally reached it!
He raised his head, but met Di Kongxuan's cold expression.

Under the cherry tree on the opposite side, a man in a jade white spring shirt stood leaning against the tree. The snowflakes were white and red, lowering the top of the tree, and a clump was falling on his cheek.

He seemed to have been staring at her for a long time, and it seemed that nothing had fallen into his eyes.

So alluring, so dusty.

A gust of wind blew up, and the petals of the snow cherry blossoms fluttered on the ground, forming a wind curtain between the two.

Duanmuyi looked at the person opposite, squinted his eyes slightly, the joy of spiritual power promotion in his heart faded a little, and he was a little impetuous.

Seeing her silent for a long time, Di Kongxuan sneered, "I would think I have raised a mute."

Duanmu accepted his kindness, so he had no choice but to say: "Thank you, young master."

The man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Thank you?"

Duanmu Yi bent his lips and said, "How do you want me to thank you?" When you don't know how to answer, it is the best way to ask the other party the question.

"Yes, you... this life is mine."

Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand, clasped the back of her neck, and brought her to his side, his fingertips gliding over her lips intentionally or unintentionally.

"Remember, no one has the right to kill you except me!"

Duanmu pursed his lips and nodded, never doubting his decisiveness.

She was too careless just now, so she will keep this lesson.

"Hold this." Di Kongxuan handed over the giant python's demon pill, "You can use it to advance your spiritual pet in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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