Chapter 1251

"Spiritual pet?" Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, only then did he realize that he and the little thing in his arms had a sensory connection, and he could sense where it was with a single thought.

But when did she sign this contract?

Could it be...Di Kongxuan?

She was startled, and finally showed a smile: "Thank you."

Even though the smile was faint and fleeting, at that moment, Di Kongxuan felt that the entire cherry blossom forest could not be worth her smile.

It is as gorgeous as a shooting star and as elegant as a lotus flower.

She asked: "Do you know what species this is? I don't seem to have seen it before."

"Ear fox." Di Kongxuan said, "There are probably no more than ten of them in the entire continent. The young beasts have human nature, and when they grow up, they are as fast as lightning and can resist hundreds of poisons; their claws are sharp and can destroy gold and stone."

Duanmuyi embraced the furry ear fox, thinking that he really found a treasure.

However, after thinking about it, it was Jiang Yi who asked her to come to the back mountain. Judging from the current situation, it should not be the person in front of her who promised.

She looked up at the profile of the man in front of her, and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't the spirit fox the spirit beast you picked for me?"

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, and stuffed the demon pill into her hand, noncommittal.

"Here, you take it." The tone was domineering, with no refusal.

Duanmu lowered his head and pursed his lips into a smile.

Such a big one is so cheap, if you have it, don’t take it!
Why should she refuse.

"By the way, I was in the early stage of Xiantian before, why did I suddenly reach the late stage of Xiantian?" Duanmu asked suspiciously, "This continent... I mean, can we practitioners still advance to the next level?"

"Of course." Di Kongxuan turned around and stood with his hands behind his back. "Everyone's starting point is different, the purity of the bloodline is different, or the method of cultivation is different, which will affect the speed of advancement. Your bloodline is very powerful. It is also the top skill of the Jialan tribe, so it naturally advances quickly."

"At my speed, how long can I compete with the Duanmu family?" Duanmuyi asked.

Di Kongxuan sneered, and hooked his fingers towards her.Duanmu leaned over expressionlessly, and he held his shoulders, only to hear him say half-sarcastically: "It's only about 200 years."

Duanmuyi seriously doubted whether this person was playing tricks on her on purpose.

However, Di Kongxuan's subsequent explanation also let Duanmu Yi know that according to normal cultivation methods, for a person to reach the golden core stage in 200 years is not bad.But at her level, she can reach the Nascent Soul stage in 200 years and barely compete with the Duanmu family, which can be said to be a genius-like progress.

However, it is still too slow.

"Is there any other way..."

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, withdrew his hand, ready to leave.

Without further ado, Duanmuyi stopped him: "You must have a solution, tell me."

"Hunting monsters, absorbing spiritual power." Di Kongxuan simply said eight words.

Duanmuyi was stunned, but soon realized that her talents and skills were different. For many people, monsters were just things that could be exchanged for money after hunting, but she was different.

She can absorb the spiritual power of spiritual things, and monsters must have plenty of spiritual power in their bodies. By hunting monsters to absorb their spiritual power, although it is extremely risky, the speed of cultivation must be extremely fast!
"Okay, let's do it like this!" Duan Muyi made up his mind.

For the next two days, Duanmuyi spent the cycle of stance training and domesticating spiritual pets, and his newly promoted cultivation gradually consolidated and began to improve.

(End of this chapter)

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