Chapter 1252

The day was clear and clear, Duanmuyi was still listening to standing in the pine garden, and now she could walk freely on the plum blossom pile, while Di Kongxuan threw a hidden weapon from time to time to test her adaptability.

"Chichi!" Erhu has already gotten familiar with the environment here, and is now begging for food on Dikongxuan's trouser legs, blinking at Dikongxuan with two black eyes, as cute as he can be.

Di Kongxuan stared at it coldly, kicked it away mercilessly, and kicked it directly towards Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi took it with one hand, quickly walked a few steps on the plum blossom pile, let go of his strength, and glared at Dikongxuan.

The sun was scorching, and beads of sweat oozed from the tip of the girl's nose, glistening.

Her expression was cold and indifferent, but she was slightly soft under the sun.

Erhu looked at Duanmuyi pitifully, gesticulating with his hands and feet, "chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp."

That appearance seemed to have been wronged a lot, it was so cute, Duanmu's heart softened when he saw it.

"Don't be afraid, let's bully you back." Duanmuyi gently stroked the ear fox and lowered his voice.

Di Kongxuan heard it naturally, raised his eyebrows, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He wants to see how she bullies her back?
Erhu immediately understood, whistled, and flashed towards Dikongxuan.

At the same time, Duanmuyi's palms jumped, and a clump of weeds under Dikongxuan's feet had wrapped around his ankles.

The ear fox was fast, its sharp claws stretched out, and grabbed Di Kongxuan's stunning face.

A gray shadow flashed aside, and Di Kongxuan's spiritual pet, You Ape, suddenly appeared, and the monkey's palm slapped Erhu's paw away.

Di Kongxuan bent back, avoiding the approach of the ear fox, and was about to sit up, when suddenly he supported the ground with one hand, his ankle broke free from the shackles of the weeds, and kicked forward.

The strength of his feet was enough to break the huge boulder, Duanmu didn't dare to fight recklessly, so he had to retreat.

It's just that as soon as she retreated, Di Kongxuan immediately pushed forward, grasping with five fingers, and grabbed her neck.

The ear fox bypassed You Yuan and rushed over, vowing to protect its master to the death.

Duanmuyi was taken aback, the ear fox was caught by him, it was obviously a gut-piercing end.

She quickly pulled the ear fox into her arms, but she was unprepared and bumped into his chest.

At that moment, the world was quiet, only the heartbeats of two people could be heard.

Duan Muyi looked up, and saw the delicate Adam's apple on his jade-colored neck, which slid up and down.

It's too close, so close that Duanmuyi can smell his unique aura, a kind of bewitching smell.

She saw her figure through the other's dark eyes, and the other's lips gradually got closer...

Erhu pricked up his ears, glanced at the two of them, covered his face with his hands, and jumped out of Duanmuyi's arms.

You Yuan immediately ran over, yelling in dissatisfaction, as if he wanted to compete with it.

Di Kongxuan tilted his head, his voice hoarse: "Get out."

You Yuan knew that his master was going to be in heat, and immediately ran out with the ear fox in his hands.

Duanmuyi came back to his senses, broke free from his embrace, his face was reddish, and his voice was cold: "I'm sorry."

Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand towards her, but seeing her take a small step back, he narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "Come here."

"I'm going to stand on the pile." Duanmu didn't want to take it away, turned around and walked towards the plum blossom pile.

Di Kongxuan took her hand directly, wrapped one arm around her waist, leaned over and grabbed her lips, and showed with actions what he wanted to do.

He damned missed this soft and fragrant lips, after so many days of restraint, he still couldn't restrain it after all.

(End of this chapter)

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