Chapter 1258

"Want to know?" Di Kongxuan looked back at her.

Duanmu nodded intentionally.

Di Kongxuan crossed his arms and leaned against the pillar: "Please me."

Duanmuyi staggered and almost fell to the ground.

She looked at the man, and after a moment of trance, she returned to indifference: "Isn't the master joking with the servant?"

"My son now thinks it's good to be called uncle by you." Di Kongxuan's deep eyes locked on her face, preventing her from escaping.

Even with a smile, the aura on his body is still oppressive, making it impossible to breathe.

Duanmu looked at him expressionlessly: "No, master, you are beautiful, young and promising, the word uncle really insults your demeanor."

"Then you just now?"

"It was the servant who went blind just now." Duanmu said he was kind.

Di Kongxuan watched her talking nonsense in a serious manner, and the anger that was originally full of anger dissipated invisible.

Looking at her still blushing cheeks, Di Kongxuan curled his lips and said coldly: "Since you are blind, why don't you go out for me?"

Duanmu pursed his lips, and a slight annoyance flashed across his face: "What exactly do you want?"

"I said, please me." Di Kongxuan said while holding her chin.

Duanmuyi turned his head away: "I won't."

Dikongxuan's fingers gently brushed Duanmuyi's rosy and soft lips.

Duanmuyi became angry from embarrassment by this kind of "twist-push-push-twitch-twitch-twist-twist-twist-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-twitch-pull-off-tick-, making Duanmuyi shy and angry, seeing that his lips were about to touch his own, Duanmuyi was ready to bite down.

Unexpectedly, Dikongxuan's lips slid directly across her cheeks and landed on her earlobe, "I will leave the Jialan tribe in five days and go to the human world to study hard."

The warm breath sprayed directly into Duanmuyi's ear, and the ambiguous words made her cheeks blush slightly.

What's the meaning?Learn how to please him?how is this possible!

When he came back to his senses, Duanmuyi saw that Dikongxuan had long since disappeared.

Got teased again!
Duanmu intended to stamp his feet on the spot, but he didn't realize that he was becoming less and less afraid of him.

Three days later, outside the Jialan tribe, beside the Dan River.

Duanmuyi sat on the branch, and the ear fox lay quietly beside her.

Not long after, a boat sailed over the Dan River, with the silver pennant of the Duanmu family fluttering on the bow.

She sat up, hiding among the leaves, her eyes were cold.

There is nothing wrong with Jiang Sui's words, she provoked this matter.

The Jialan tribe is also considered to be kind to her, and she has to solve this matter by herself because of emotion and reason!

The ear fox scratched at the hem of her clothes uneasily, and felt a powerful aura on the boat, no weaker than the giant python that day.

Duanmu intended to hold it down and hold his breath.

However, the palm was slowly raised, and a finger was squeezed out.

When her instructions were formed, the originally calm Dan River slowly fluctuated.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao came out from the swaying cabin, frowned and said: "Uncle, what's the matter, is it windy?"

Duanmuluo looked around and shook his head: "There seems to be something wrong. Is it almost to the Jialan tribe?"

"Yes, the Jialan tribe is not far ahead..." Duanmu Xiaoxiao hadn't finished speaking when suddenly the water of the Dan River roared, and a huge wave rose up, pushing the boat to the top of the wave, and smashed it into the water again.

She screamed, her waist tightened, and she was already hugged by Duanmuluo.

Duanmu Luo is a strong man in the Golden Core Stage, only slightly weaker than Duanmu Hong, at this moment he put his foot on the side of the boat, and took Duanmu Xiaoxiao to the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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